
Blue Heeler Breed Information and Photos

March 11, 2010

Buster is 7 months old and a Blue heeler. We rescued him from a poor home. He likes to drag Tia, his dog pal, around by the tail. When a baby, we would open the fridge. He liked to sit on lower ledge to be cool, as it shows in picture.

By Catherione from Mt Vernon, WA

Dog on bottom of refrigerator shelf

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

October 28, 2006

What type of blue heeler breed has no tail?




October 12, 20091 found this helpful

That is a question that use to leave be perplexed but I finally got accurate information. A true Blue Heeler (Australian Cattle Dog) is Blue, White and Brown in color (some may say Black instead of Blue) and they are born with a tail; some tails are cropped after birth.

Now for the a very similar breed of dog that is born without a tail and does not have any brown, only blue and white in color. This my friend is a Stumpy-Tailed Australian Cattle Dog.

Please see the picture of our precious Bear. He was a full-blooded Stumpy-Tailed Australian Cattle. Only
Blue and White in color, born with NO tail and although this photo looks like he has green eyes, they were actually a beautiful, very deep brown. A very intelligent, laid-back loving little guy. Unfortunately, we lost him at only 6 months old. He was ran over by our neighbor when he wandered out into the road and we had to have him put to sleep his injuries were so bad. I still won't speak to the neighbor that hit him and then just took off to let him suffer!

July 21, 20190 found this helpful

What blue heller have no tails

October 13, 20190 found this helpful

I just got a Blue Heeler, she 4montss, n so sad so good she likes to bark more then I'm use to. The mirror gets it the most then our other dog she barks at a lot and also random things that move she thinks moved LOL but she's such a character once you run she hops around everywhere she's an absolute Delight just wen I needed some sunlight in my life, lost my dad end of March this year to "the most hated!" Cancer. With all iv got going on emotionaly she can fet me2smile no matter how tough the day can get. I almost got a Blue Heeler in middle school, But instead got a pit bull, this breed is so different .. Like I wish I had lured more on the breed. I love German shepherds had 1 from 2to12. 1st dog dad left when the parents finally last there toxic relationship.. But he was a good dad, if I needed him he was there, if I needed something or2 go somewhere or/picked up late at not even knowin ur far as to n on a bad side of town. Crack head left & right fkn baby's salon that shit_(Fact Kids in middle school sell the drug's it's always what u payd 4, CHILL TF OUT RT.


Your gonna fk up everything. She stood by u 2the fullest n if she is cheating she don't care about that thought just the $$$$not. love &them the way she do me.but am I really the same I'd never really go see one of there goes to fk I wish u knew i hate my life not fun doing nothing too, u kno, this lil bitch want it n ima give it to her

Step 1
wher with my new Blue Heeler pup grateful she's so therapeutic and relaxing for me

How my new/buddy/babypuppy 4months became such a big deal/difference . she just wants love an Loveing her is almost enough but that's how love goes, never sure what's ahead moving on into the years passing by praying your heart / sole. Going throw go the pain. you do on ur own u do things to do shit up. Tryn 2 see how far I can push bfor pollster heating. Cus @1st only 12% of ppl don't what other ppl in the bathroom when they are. N this is my SUPWR HIGH rant fk it fk school, fk this cover , n go this what??go I'm high


High for rant by Taylor Made

March 14, 20230 found this helpful

A stubby and the one I have is blue brown and white she is very smart she loves to watch tv with me at night and she knows the names of most of her favorite toys. Her name is Sheila.

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7 More Photos

Check out these photos.

January 30, 2012

Tool is a 3 year old Blue Heeler. We got Tool as a puppy, and he could always be found sleeping in or on a tool box!

Tool (Blue Heeler) on a float in the pool.


August 9, 2012

Buddy Buddy is a 2 year old Blue Heeler. I got Buddy Buddy this past June from a friend that rescued him in another town. She needed to find a good home for him and she thought of us, because our number one Buddy came up missing 10/26/11 and has never come home.

Closeup of Buddy Buddy's face.


September 29, 2010

Blue is 18 months old and a Blue Heeler. We got Blue from an ad in the paper. Blue loves to be petted and spend time with his family, (mostly me).


He is still a puppy, so he chews a lot. He is very sweet-natured, and good with children.


October 14, 2008

Bacardi is a 7 year old Blue Heeler? He was a Rescue League Special!

Bacardi Blue Heeler


September 18, 2006

HCR Jasper - Blue Heeler. Jasper is four months old and is a Blue Heeler. . .


May 4, 2014

This is a page about Blue Heeler mix photos. Mixed breed dogs often make wonderful family members.

Blue Heeler

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