
Decorating With Sea Shells

Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 104 Feedbacks
October 21, 2009

Sea shell soap dispenser.I thought up this idea last night as I was looking around my house and seeing all these hand sanitizer bottles I have sitting around. As I am known for not liking to display commercial labels, I decided to get my supply of seashells out and decorate the outside of the bottles.


I took the labels off first and hot glued the shells, adding a few pearls, etc. If you put a label made from wood or laminated paper, you have a beautiful hand sanitizer bottle to display with a touch of class. It can be refilled very easily. It also makes a great gift with an extra full bottle enclosed.

By Barbara from Evington, VA

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Bronze Craft Medal for All Time! 67 Crafts
May 29, 2007

Here is a perfect way to use those seashells you picked up at the beach. Just take a potpourri jar and fill it up with seashells.

Glass bowl filled with sea shells.


5 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

March 25, 2021

What do I use to glue on seashells to a painting? I need them to stay on the painting which would be on canvas? I have asked people and some said tacky glue others said craft glue and others said to use silicon chalk.

Please help!


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 440 Answers
March 25, 20211 found this helpful
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Use Beacon Sea Shell Glue or Weldbond glue. I think Gorilla Glue will be ok too.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
March 27, 20210 found this helpful
Best Answer

Sounds like a fun project.
A few years back I worked with a small class and we did similar projects and since everyone had their own glue we had mixed results.


We discovered that best, longer lasting glues (seashells on canvas), were not the common 'craft' glues but since this was some time back, I felt sure many glues would have improved since then.

I checked each 'successful' glue on line and it seems some of the same brands are still the favored ones.
E-6000 still seems to be high on the list.
Gorilla glue
Wellbond glue
Just remember: almost all brands have several varieties of each glue so read labels before purchasing.

I did find some interesting tips that I did not know and some sound like good ideas:
"Dip a fine paintbrush in glue and lightly trace the outer perimeter of the object where it meets the canvas for reinforcement. Allow to dry completely.
Use a small brush to paint a second coat of glue over and around the entire object for reinforcement, if desired."

This site has some good ideas in case you want to try other projects:


Check out past questions and answers:

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November 30, 2010

My husband and I went to South Padre Island in September and I loaded our Jeep up with about every sea shell I could find. I want to be creative with them and thought about placing them on a picture frame and also a mirror to go in our bathroom we are currently remodeling. The theme of course is centered around the beach. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear.

By Michelle from Denison, TX


November 30, 20100 found this helpful

This isn't really a craft idea, but might work as a decorative accessory for your bathroom. Just pick out the most colorful ones and place the shells in a decorator style, clear glass jar, vase or bowl.


Looks nice on a large vanity top or shelf. Have fun!

December 1, 20101 found this helpful

Use Pizza Boxes and fill them with quickcrete, concreate mix. Place the shells into the concrete, press down and let it dry. Take out of the box and you have garden stones. Be creative you can even write the date at the bottom with a stick once it starts to dry... have fun. Fill a clear large jar/vase with them and use silk flowers at top to make a nice centerpiece. Poinsettas for Christmas against the shells in the jar would be pretty with a green bow tied around the top. You could also do candles at the top.

December 1, 20100 found this helpful

Paint painting canvas in pastel colors from sky to ocean to sand and glue the sea shells on them, frame and hang in your bathroom.

May 5, 20110 found this helpful

You can drill holes and make your own shell wind chime. I used to love those things, and the fact that its shells y'all collected makes it special.


You could make a wall hanging with several strands hanging down to cover a larger section of wall.

February 1, 20130 found this helpful

You can get some of the decorator fishing nets and glue random shells to it and make wall hangings or hang like nets in corners.

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June 9, 2016

How do you glue around conch shells to a piece of landscape timber without looking so ugly on the wood. I use hight temperature glue gun and it keeps falling off.

I live in Florida and I'm glueing with low humidity.flower pots on stands for cigarette butts, with shell decorations



August 25, 20160 found this helpful

How do you glue a conch shell to a wood board. There is not much surface space. I've tried different glues and nothing seems to hold it on.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 425 Answers
July 28, 20200 found this helpful

You could try construction comes in tubes to use with a caulking gun. Lowes, Home Depot, hardware stores...they should all carry it.

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