
Making a Folded Fabric Flower

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July 13, 2015

Folded Fabric Flower - finished flowerThis cute fabric flower is made from folded fabric circles and is a great way to use of fabric scraps.



  • fabric
  • embroidery floss
  • sewing needle
  • button
  • felt
  • hot glue
  • scissors
  • pin back
  • circle template (3 inch)


  1. Create a 3" circle template out of cardboard. Use the template to trace 5 circles onto the fabric. Then cut out the circles.
  2. Folded Fabric Flower - cutting circles for pedals
  3. Fold the fabric circle in half, then in half again. Finger press the folds.
  4. Folded Fabric Flower - folding circle in half
    Folded Fabric Flower - folding half circle in half
  5. Divide a length of embroidery floss into a 3 strand piece, then thread it onto the needle. Knot the end, then do a running stitch along the curved edge of the fabric, as shown below. Then gently gather the fabric towards the knotted end.
  6. Folded Fabric Flower - sewing pedal
    Folded Fabric Flower - sewing pedal

  7. Repeat until you have all 5 petals strung onto the thread.
  8. Folded Fabric Flower - attaching pedals
    Folded Fabric Flower - more pedals attached
  9. Scoot the petals away from the knotted end so that you have a length of thread to tie at that end. Bring the two ends of the thread together, bunching the petals up. Tie off the ends of the thread.
  10. Folded Fabric Flower - tying off 5th and final pedal
    Folded Fabric Flower - all pedals attached
  11. Cut a small circle of felt and hot glue it to the back of the flower.
  12. Folded Fabric Flower - turn over flower
    Folded Fabric Flower - back of flower
  13. Now use embroidery floss to sew the button into the center of the flower.
  14. Folded Fabric Flower - front of flower
    Folded Fabric Flower - back of flower

  15. Glue a pin back onto the flower. Enjoy your new accessory!
  16. Folded Fabric Flower - attaching the pin to the back of the flower
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February 16, 2016

These pretty flowers can be customized out of whatever fabric scraps you may have on hand.. Learn how to make them in this short video.

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