Your friends will be hanging around all the time with this fun and easy project.
Crafting Time: 30 - 45 minutes
What You Need:
- photos of your friends, ones that you are allowed to cut apart
- construction paper
- scissors
- glue
- yarn, ribbon, or string
- cellophane tape
- markers
- clothes hanger
- Cut your friends faces from the photos. Cut two construction paper shapes for each photo, on one of the shapes you will glue a photo, and on the other you will write your friend's name. The sample uses circles, but you can make stars, hearts, or whatever you wish.
- Cut pieces of yarn or ribbon. Tape one end of a piece of yarn to the back of each photo shape. Now glue the correct name shape to the back of each photo shape to cover the yarn and tape. Decorate the shapes with marker if you like.
- Tie the "free" ends of the yarn to a clothes hanger to make a mobile. Find a space in your room for your friends to "hang out".
By Marie E. Cecchini from West Dundee, IL

July 1, 20131 found this helpful
That is really cute! You could also hang something the kids collect like teddies, kitten or puppies, or faux gems and necklaces. I love it!