
Slumber Party Ideas

April 16, 2012

Girls Having a Slumber PartyMy granddaughter just turned 7 and she wanted to have a slumber party with her friends to celebrate. But many kids her age have fears of spending a night away from home (and mom and dad). So my daughter decided to invite them over in their pajamas at 9 a.m. for a pancake party.


The pancakes became the birthday cake and the kids could top them with a variety of syrups and sprinkles. The birthday child had candles in hers. By 11 a.m., the party was over and they had the rest of the day to enjoy with their family. Very little expense and the novelty of the idea mixed with the excitement of the kids contributed to fun for all, especially my daughter.

By anne from Green Bay, WI

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32 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

February 23, 2014

My daughter planned her slumber party to start at 2:30 in the afternoon and we need something inexpensive for the kids to do. There will be 8 kids and we already figured out a couple of things, but they will probably be up for a longtime and we need some help fast because the party is in March. Her theme is neon doodle (the theme is from Party City). Please give us some ideas for my 12 year old.

By Linda.G


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
February 24, 20140 found this helpful
Best Answer

How about pizzas for a snack, and they make the pizza? Lots and lots of movies - for the evening. Board games, in some sort of contest. Monopoly takes a couple of hours.


Making some sort of craft? You could get kits or find something on the internet that might be inexpensive. Spa afternoon - doing each others hair and nails?

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February 1, 2011

My daughter having her 12th birthday soon and she is going to go to the mall and 3/4 of the girls are coming back to our house for a sleepover. What games should I do for activities?

By annoymous from Great Britian, England, Preston


February 4, 20110 found this helpful

For my birthday, we did a scavenger hunt! You can do this around the neighborhood, house, mall, or grocery store. For a store, divide the girls up into 2 or more groups, then make a list of items that are inexpensive but still fun (ex. nail polish, lipgloss, stickers, bandanas). If it's in the house, hide all of the presents while the girls are distracted, then make clues and put them all over the house, when the guests and party girl find the presents, it's time to unwrap them! Also, for a twist on truth or dare, try dare double dare or fire! Someone will ask "dare, double dare, or fire?" if the person answers dare, they will do a simple dare. If they answer double dare, every person has to do the dare.


If they choose fire, the person will have to complete a big dare. Another fun game is Flashlight tag. Wait until dark, and arrange the area where the guests are sleeping with one sleeping bag in the middle of the room. Have "it" holding a flashlight and turn off all of the lights. Have the other guests hide around the room while "it" counts to 100. Then, the guests will try to get to the center sleeping bag without "it" hearing them and shining the flashlight on them. All of these activities are super fun! All of my guests were talking about the party for weeks. I hope I helped!

June 3, 20130 found this helpful

Last year we chose to do my daughters "kids party" almost 6 mos. after her "real birthday"(which happens to be Christmas Eve), since that's a difficult time for a birthday party. It's a nice change. Instead of pizza I made up a batch of spaghetti and meat balls for their dinner...but the surprise was how I served them all. You should've seen the look on the girls faces when I threw on the floor and told them to eat it off the floor!


Of course I had mopped, disinfected and put down a couple of disposable table clothes.

It was a Hoot as soon as the girls got use to the idea. We took video and share it with friends and family. And...this year the girls are all asking to do it again. I actually got the idea from an interview with Joan Rivers. She was describing a memory of her daughter she had. I thought it would be great fun. It is messy, but...oh, so much fun for the girls!

August 1, 20130 found this helpful

For games you should do...
scavenger hunt inside? hide and go seek? blind make overs? fashion show? mystery game?

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January 12, 2016

I'm having three friends over to sleep (in 4 days) for my birthday, but it's not a big birthday it's just my 14th. My mum doesn't want to spend a heap of money because they don't have a lot, but yeah.

I just don't have that many ideas and I don't want them getting bored! So if you guys have any that would help a lot.

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March 11, 2008

I'm having a Kids Choice Awards Sleepover Party. Can you give me some ideas on what to eat, do, and decorations. The girls are in seventh grade and are 13. Anything on this is helpful. Thanks!

Stephanie from Brockton, MA


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 116 Feedbacks
March 13, 20080 found this helpful

There were ideas for hosting oscar parties in most major magazines recently. Why not check those out? I'm sure that a lot of these ideas could be adapted to the Kid's Choice Awards. But don't forget the slime -- since it's a Nickelodeon event, there will be plenty of it!


All you have to do is add some green food coloring to vanilla pudding. The kids are sure to love it!

March 14, 20080 found this helpful

here are a few links for "Oscar Party" ideas... Don't forget some Orange paper "splats" !

Hope they help!

By Christine (Guest Post)
March 24, 20080 found this helpful

I'm hosting our 2nd annual KCA Party! It's a blast! Serving Slime Pizza "add green food coloring to cheese". Slime cake 'A layered cake topped with green colored instant vanilla pudding. Serving green 7-Up & Ginger Ale.


Making a ton of green jello for an outdoor jello fight. We live in Florida. We hose the kids down and let them swim after. You can download a press kit from Nick complete with games and decorating ideas! Have fun!

By KCA Luvr (Guest Post)
March 29, 20080 found this helpful

At they have lots of party ideas and games! Music and Dancing is fun.

March 4, 20090 found this helpful

We have one every year for my boys who are now 9 and 6. We just try to model or name the food after the shows in some way. We have The Patrick which is 7up and Grenadine (the kiddie cocktail at some restaurants). We make green milkshakes after dinner. This year we are going to try to make spaghetti tacos, and I am not sure what show they saw that on! I am making cupcakes with purple icing and a big splat of orange on the top, like the logo. We have treat bags for them with Nickelodeon themed favors (usually Spongebob stuff) and I download the theme songs for Drake and Josh, iCarly, Zoey 101, etc., and this is the music while we eat. They of course like to fill out their ballots before the show to see how many they can guess right. I am thinking of making them red vests out of felt that look like the one Josh wears when he works at the movie theatre.

March 5, 20120 found this helpful

Spaghetti tacos come from iCarly. A restaurant near me has even put them on their kids' menu.

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July 31, 2018

I'm giving my little sister a slumber party for her birthday and I need ideas of things to do with the girls. There will be 6 girls including my sister (ages 11-12). Any fun ideas are appreciated.

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July 13, 2017

I have this problem, I want a slumber party for my daughter, but I have two reasons to reconsider. One, my house is not that big. Two, she wants to invite boys over too, which is kind of awkward for me, but I don't mind. The real problem is my house is very small and it would not be large enough for 10 kids that are 12 years old. It would be very helpful if anyone had a idea what to do with this type of problem.


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March 17, 2017

My daughter is turning 12 in 3 weeks. She wants a slumber party, but my house isn't big enough. Where can I have the slumber party?

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February 27, 2012

My daughter's birthday party is less then 2 weeks away. She wants to have a slumber party, but I live in a 2 bedroom apartment; one with a bunk bed, which is her room.There are three other people living there as well and she wants 3 more people spending the night. Should I let her have one?

By Samantha A from Sylvania, OH


February 27, 20120 found this helpful

Of course you should! 12 is such a fun age for girls to have slumber parties. Who cares about the space. They'll still have fun.

February 28, 20120 found this helpful

Absolutely! Just tell, or include on invitation for everyone to bring a sleeping bag. That's half the fun! Throw in some snacks and a few movies and they will have a blast.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 162 Posts
February 28, 20120 found this helpful

Absolutely! They don't care about the space and four girls won't get too noisy - you'll be there to shush them if they do.

You didn't say how old the other people are in the apartment, but if there are kids, perhaps they could stay at a friend's house for the night. My best friend watched my boys when my daughter had a slumber party so they weren't annoying the girls the whole night (I took them over after the cake and presents).

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January 9, 2019

I am so excited to turn 14 and have a sleepover. But some of my ideas are good and boring. Please help me find the right sleepover ideas and games.

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March 15, 2015

My daughter's having a slumber party. I don't know what games we can play. Please help me.

By Kamila

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January 25, 2014

I'm having a neon slumber party in a few months, but I don't know what to do. My daughter is an "extreme" girly girl, but I need some ideas. I want this party to be a party that 11/12 year old girls will never forget. I need your help.

By Linda.G

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January 20, 2014

My daughter is turning twelve and wants to have friends sleepover. How many should I let her have, our house is medium size?

By Amy


January 26, 20140 found this helpful

When I was younger and wanted to have a larger sleepover my mom would take a sleeping bag and see how many sleeping bags could comfortably fit on the floor of where we were sleeping. That is how many I was allowed to invite.

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October 4, 2013

My birthday is in a few months, in winter, so it's sort of limited as to what we can do. I want to have a hotel-themed birthday/slumber party, but not at an actual hotel. I want to decorate my house sort of like a hotel, and act like it is a hotel. I have a few ideas, but altogether I'm not sure what I should do, and how I should decorate, mostly. If you have any other ideas for any other themes, can you explain them in as much detail as you can? Thank you!

By Savannah S


October 6, 20130 found this helpful

Wonderful theme. Make sure you have a continental breakfast. A chech-in desk. And a lobby sofa and chairs. Plenty of green plants.

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April 27, 2012

What are some good movies for a slumber party?

By Jessica


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
April 29, 20120 found this helpful

I haven't been to a slumber party for 45 years so can't suggest any current movie titles but, in my humble opinion, anything scary; age appropriate of course ;-)

January 5, 20140 found this helpful

If you want scary
Campfire Tales
When A Strangers Calls
The Ring

If you want funny
Miss Congeniality 1 and 2
Sydney White
Hope it helps (:

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January 7, 2012

My best friend and I are doing an allnighter tonight. We got plenty of sleep last night so we're well rested! What should we do and what should we do to stay awake? I want out of the box answers. We cannot go outside because her parents don't really want us going outside after they go to bed. Thank you. We need the answers fast.

By Girly and cal


Bronze Tip Medal for All Time! 64 Tips
January 9, 20120 found this helpful

Is there a 24 hr Walmart? Make a "Walmart Scavenger Hunt"-either stuff to buy or even better-take pictures of the items!

January 9, 20120 found this helpful

Have a make up party. Gives you more ideas on how to fix each other up.

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August 6, 2016

I will be 17 on the 14th of August. I'm having a sleepover/slumber party and I don't know what type of food and activities I should have. Any ideas?

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September 25, 2015

My birthday is coming up and I don't know what to do. I was going with the sleepover theme, but I don't know what to do for activities. I'm not a girly girl, but I'm not a tom-boy. Help. I want to have 6 friends over.

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September 1, 2015

I want to have another sleepover with my best friend, but I don't know what games to play. Also what food would you have at the party?

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May 12, 2013

Does anyone have any ideas for a spa themed sleepover?

By Olivia J.


March 2, 20140 found this helpful

For a spa themed party idea you should picture a nail shop and get the foot massagers and set tables up like the actual salon. You can use computer desks for the nails and lay them out across the table so they could choose and at the other side of the room have all the lotions and face rub things for the facials.

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April 7, 2013

I need some help on trying to find out what to do for my daughter's 14th birthday party. I am looking for ideas that's not going to overall cost an abundance of money. It's in one week. Please any ideas, I need help!

By Casey


February 6, 20140 found this helpful

Nail bar, chocolate fountain, talk about boys

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November 8, 2012

I'm hosting a Christmas sleepover and I don't know what to do for games. Will you give me some ideas?

By Brianna. T


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 65 Requests
November 11, 20120 found this helpful

I'm not very good at games, but there's always that old favorite, Twister. You can get it at toys r us or on line

There's always bingo.
I found this on I bought this years ago but never tried it yet:

Tis The Season, Christmas Trivia Game
Anton Publications, Inc.

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Hope these helped. Merry Christmas to you too! It sounds like a great idea, just having the idea of a sleepover on Christmas! What fun!

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March 18, 2012

I'm having a party with some of my friends and I don't know what they like. and its on the 31 and i want it to be big i just need your help.

By Haylee


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 213 Feedbacks
March 20, 20120 found this helpful

I don't understand why you don't know what kind of foods your friends like! How about pizza, chips and dip, brownies or cookies. carrots and celery with dip if someone wants something healthy. Pigs in the blanket made with cocktail wieners are good, apples, oranges or other fruits, ice cream. I hope this helps! Hope you have a good time!

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November 18, 2011

My daughter is turning 7 in January. Is this too young for a sleepover? Two of the girls are a year older.

By Carla


November 19, 20110 found this helpful

It depends on the emotional maturity of the girls, I had one who could sleep away from home and one who couldn't make all the way through, just be prepared to call parents to pick up child. You won't know till you try it, I wouldn't have too many either. It works best if there are only 2-3 girls, others wise it gets too rowdy.

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