
Use Super Glue to Stop Nail Splitting

I have a fingernail that always splits in the same place. There seems to be a ridge in the nail. If I get busy and don't keep the nail filed and buffed, the nail splits all the way to the quick. I have tried acrylic nail gel for repair but this kept chipping off. I found that if I file the nail very short, and I brush some super glue on it the nail grows out very nicely. You could try any nail glue too as it has the same active ingredients.


I found a bottle of tinted super glue at my craft store. It goes on light purple and dries clear. Let it cure for at least an hour and file with a fine emery board on top of the nail then buff your nail to a shine. You may have to do this for a few days to build up the nail. I just use it on the area where it is split not the whole nail, then just keep your nail shaped as you like and in a couple of weeks, your nail will have healed with no more split.

Source: This is something I have done for a while. It is my own idea and I have tried several different products and nothing else has worked as well for me. Wish I could find out what causes the ridges in my nails but my doctor has no idea. I've also asked manicurists, and they don't seem to know either.

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
February 24, 20090 found this helpful

This is a hint I will certainly use! I'm dealing with a nail right now that could have used this but it's too time! Thanks!

By Elaine (Guest Post)
February 25, 20090 found this helpful

I have the same problem, and it's so upsetting. I will have to give it a try. Thanks.

February 25, 20090 found this helpful

Thank you for this idea.
I have the same problem especially this winter. I looked down on my hands this morning and had about three of my nails that needed to be clipped down due to the breaks on the ends of them.


Will let you know how this is working.

By Edith (Guest Post)
February 25, 20090 found this helpful

I have been dealing with this condition on my thumb nail for years. The doctor just looks at it and shakes his head offering no solution. I will definitly be giving this a try. Nail polish and hardners do nothing so hopfully this will work. Thanks for letting me know I am not crazy.

By Tooz (Guest Post)
February 25, 20090 found this helpful

I have this problem, too! I asked my doctor about it, and he also has no clue what causes it. Interesting! I am going to keep this tip in mind. Thanks.

May 10, 20200 found this helpful

My nail tech says that it is caused in some by a trauma to the cuticle. My split starts in the cuticle way up and will likely never go away. It started a couple of years ago.


I have been wearing SNS nails and that really helps with the nail. Now with the quarantine, its been tough...nail always splits and snags on fabrics. Thanks for the tip

By jsham (Guest Post)
February 25, 20090 found this helpful

If you could think back to when the splits/ridges first started you could probably remember hurting your finger, at the base. Sometimes it might not even be enough to make the finger very sore. I didn[t realize what caused my nails to do this until I caught my thumb in a window and slammed it pretty hard. I have kept watch and every time I have another split I am able to remember back to when I hurt it. I have been wearing tape on some of my nails for ever so long, so am very glad to learn about your 'fix' for the situation. Thank you very much. jsham, AR


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 180 Feedbacks
February 25, 20090 found this helpful

I have one nail that's been splitting for years. Thanks for the future pain you're saving me.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 102 Feedbacks
February 26, 20090 found this helpful

Have you had your thyroid checked?

February 27, 20090 found this helpful

You are missing some vitamins if you have that problem.Talk to your Doctor, I have been on Folic Acid and I also use Vaseline hand cream for hand's and nails.I rub the cream into my nails at night and try to keep the cream on my hand's as much as possible.


Also if you go out in the cold without gloves and I am talking about winter with the frigid temp's it will cause breakage as well as splitting.Good Luck Darlene.

February 28, 20090 found this helpful

Go to and post the question: Can be related to B12 deficiency, age, hardness and brittle. Use Eucerin Cream after a shower. Got the info from a Wisconsin Medical site. Good Luck!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 189 Feedbacks
March 3, 20090 found this helpful

I have tried this too and it worked well for me until my nail grew out. I would check the WebMd site for info on fingernails. Here's a link


February 8, 20100 found this helpful

It happens to me too! The weak nails are many now, I have always tried to patch up with nail polish, but am intrigued by this solution, will give it a try! Thanks

February 8, 20100 found this helpful

I have a nail that is split or cracked all the way down. I have found crazy glue to be the answer.
Now I use a tiny piece of hypo-allergenic tape put it on top and roll it under the tip. I then glue it down with super glue.


I smooth it lightly with a manicure stick. The next morning I file very lightly with a fine emery board. Do NOT file the edge of the nail. It needs to stay tight.

September 24, 20130 found this helpful

I had that problem of thin and splitting nails. My doctor put me on Folbic or Foltex. It was a vitamin for another problem. My nails are healthy now. And the other problem is better too.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
September 24, 20130 found this helpful

I started having this problem in my 50's. My Dr. told me it was associated with aging. The splits happen on the nail where there is a ridge. I used to buff the ridges down a bit but soon realized that that was causing the splitting. I stopped buffing and now have only an occasional split. For which I will soon be using super glue. Thanks for a great post.

August 4, 20210 found this helpful

You might have psoriasis of the fingernails. Thats what causes my nails to firm ridges and split. Maybe ask a dermatologist about it. Thank you for the super glue tip. I also use silicone finger covers with cuticle oil all over my nails because they seem to act better when well moisturized.

November 19, 20210 found this helpful

For split nails, this is a great and super quick fix, but the user comments on seem to indicate that the flexinail product will strengthen and over a few months fix the split nail problem for good. Check it out!

January 9, 20220 found this helpful

Just tried it on a toenail that I damaged over two years ago. The nail keeps splitting neatly up to the cuticle - will let you all know how I go.


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