
Egg Deer Repellant Recipe

May 11, 2011

A deer eating some leaves off a branch.I've tried everything I've ever heard of to keep deer away from my plants. I finally found the only solution. Here's the recipe:

Whip up a raw egg and a cup of water in the blender. Pour that into a pistol grip one-quart spray bottle. Fill to the top with water, adding 1 tsp. dish soap. Set in the hot sun till putrified (about 3 days), and give a little squirt to those plants they love to eat. It doesn't take much either, just a small squirt. They absolutely hate it. But you must reapply after a rain. However, you will see your plants grow to fruition.


Source: I read some of the ingredients on a $17 bottle of deterrent at a hardware store and recognized albumen as referring to egg,so I invented my own $.10 version. The soap helps it stick to the plants.

By anne from Green Bay, WI



November 16, 20161 found this helpful
Top Comment

I use a quart water, one egg yoke, one tablespoon of hot pepper flakes, one tablespoon baking powder, two cloves chopped garlic. Blend with wire wisk. Allow to sit overnight. Strain and spray on and around plants. Deters deer, groundhogs and rabbits. This really works.

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October 28, 2009

If you are troubled by deer or rabbits eating plants in your garden, try my foolproof remedy. After a lot of experimenting, I came up with this easy and inexpensive spray.


May 14, 2013

Blend 1 egg and 1 cup water. Pour into a quart pistol grip spray bottle. Fill to top with water, adding 1 tsp.


dish soap. Set in sun for a few days until putrified. Spray plants that the animals love to eat.


May 2, 2004

Deer don't like eggs! This recipe is easy to make and fairly inexpensive, it calls for 18 eggs. You can also make small batches.

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