
Homemade Flea Trap

June 6, 2011
Flea on a white background.


  • short extension cord
  • pie pan or small bowl
  • night light with Christmas type light
  • water
  • dish soap


Place a small amount of dish soap in the pie pan or bowl, and add enough water so fleas will not be able to swim out (about 1/2 inch). Fasten extension cord with night light plugged in so they extend out over the water. SECURE THE ELECTRIC CORD SO IT WILL NOT FALL INTO WATER.


Let this be the only light on at night. If you have small children, this will have to be removed in the day while they are awake. If no children this will even work in the day time just not as well.

The soap in the water will keep your animals from drinking the water, refresh the water and soap as needed. If this works for you like it did me, you will not be able to count all the dead fleas, and it should save you a few dollars. Also if it works for you, save others some money, and pass the tip on.

By SAVAGE12755 from Tulsa, OK

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July 14, 2015

We had a dog that we took in while his parents were busy with moving house. Soon after the dog was gone, I went into the room to do some laundry and was attacked by what I can only describe as an army of little black vampires.


January 25, 2013

This trap uses a disposable container, water, vinegar, and a nightlight.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
May 14, 2019

Got fleas? They're no fun! I have no pets but somehow we have fleas inside our home and they're biting me. In any shallow pan/dish (I used a pot saucer) - add some water and mix with dish soap.


Place underneath a light source and plants beside. Repeat and spread throughout your house where you may have fleas.

A homemade flea trap using water and dish soap.


June 9, 2005

If your home has fleas, put a shallow dish of water with a little dish soap under a night-lite at night. The fleas will jump into the water and drown. Fleas can't swim! :)



Silver Post Medal for All Time! 398 Posts
August 15, 2012

This is a video I saw on youtube and I am sharing with you.



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

August 29, 2004

I have a little 9 week chihuahua. When we got him he had no fleas, but I have a half german shepherd/husky that lives downstairs so I think he got it from him I was wondering what I can use and will not be harsh on the lil' chihuahua and what can I use for the dog that lives downstairs. I have wooden floors all through the house. What will be a good solution to use to clean the house where the dog has been. Ana


August 29, 20040 found this helpful

I live in South Carolina and boy do we have fleas! After spending a small fortune on flea killers, including purchasing everything on the market from my vet, I have found a really simple way to prevent flea infestations............ wash your animals with Dawn dish detergent, a little goes a long way, and believe it or not, it kills fleas instantly.


To help prevent fleas from getting on your animals in the first place, rub their legs, belly, and under the neck with a small amount of Avon's Skin so Soft bath oil. Hope this works as well for you as it does for me!

By Kim (Guest Post)
August 30, 20040 found this helpful

I recently had the same problem with my cat! First of all use Frontline on both animals immediatley. I bought a 3 month supply on ebay pretty cheap. I did a lot of reseach online and found that people have had great results by first vacuuming the whole house (then put the vacuum bag in another bag in the freezer to kill and fleas in the bag). Then mix one part salt to 6 parts borax powder) and spread it all over your carpets. Somehow it kills them off. It worked really well for me. I had to repeat it a couple times and so far so good. You could research it online your self ..just type in "fleas and borax " and it will give you lots of info. That's what I did. I did try flea bombs and they did nothing. The borax & salt is the way to go.. believe me! Hope that helps you.. you have nothing to lose!

By Linne Dodds (Guest Post)
September 2, 20040 found this helpful

I was going to tell about the Dawn too. It is so Gentle it is used to wash Birds & Animals which have gotten into Oil Spills.
Also Mop your floors with it. We just put 1 small squirt in an old window cleaner bottle & fill with water. Then squirt it on the dog & wash outside with the hose.


We have an American bulldog & a daschund, also a Bunch of cats. some of whom are still here due to being bathed with the stuff & or many other dishwashing liquids, not the dishwasher kind, only the kind for washing dishes in the sink.

You don't need the Borax for the carpets either .The salt works just as well, is lots cheaper & if pets lick it off themselves they probably won't get sick. My bulldog ate some of the Borax & badly vomited .

January 26, 20060 found this helpful

I use Avon Skin So Soft also. Works great! I tried using Frontline on my Dog, but it gave him seizures. I am going to try Dawn, thanks for the adivce.



February 28, 20160 found this helpful

Diatomaceous earth works well especially around your home. I have too many pets to rub this into all the fur but use it in aquariums with hamsters, on guinea pigs/rabbit & ferrets. Just make sure it's the food safe type & not the type you use for a pool! I dust my floors then leave it for a few days & voila except for my many dogs & cats which I need to find a cheap remedy. Anybody ever hear of a remedy using insecticide like Bayer for the yard? It does have the same ingredients of advantage but I'm afraid of over dosing my 5 lb chihuahuas..anybody?? Thank you!!

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November 6, 2007

Is it safe to use flea treatment on my dog with 1 week old pups and if so what? Pups have fleas but mom doesn't. Otherwise healthy.

Helen from Brisbane, Australia


By Victoria (Guest Post)
November 7, 20071 found this helpful

Please check with your veterinarian. I would assume flea treatments are too strong and possibly deadly for pups that young.

November 10, 20070 found this helpful

I once used teatree oil mixed with water to help a two week old flea ridden abandoned kitten with great success. I would be reluctant to use commercial products at such a young age.

By nancy goh (Guest Post)
November 11, 20070 found this helpful

You can use johnson & johnson baby shampoo. Just apply it and gently rub from tail to head then let it stay for 2 to 5 minutes. After this comb out with flea comb then bath as usual. If it doesn't work you can use white distilled vinegar made from grain (MIZKAN - brand of the vinegar) is one of japan production. Just spray undiluted vinegar directly on the puppy and be careful for the eyes and nose then gently rub forward and let it stay for 3 to 5 minutes then rinse with warm water. After this bathe as usual using puppy's shampoo.


good luck!
from malaysia

February 28, 20161 found this helpful

Please don't use any insecticides on a nursing mother. Bath mom & pups with lavenderbaby shampoo. Immediately wet dogs neck & bum & lather shampoo thickly on both areas. Leave on & continue bathing. Rub shampoo onto dogs for at least 5 minutes. Otherwise some fleas will only be stunned & you would be amazed at their ability to stay on the dog & recover from the bath. Can also use diatamaceous earth as a light dusting powder on mom's back & legs, also on pups & or on pups bedding. Be sure to purchase FOOD GRADE diatamaceous earth. The type used on pools isn't the same as food grade!! I LOVE PUPPIES!!

July 24, 20160 found this helpful

Do NOT spray undiluted vinegar on your animals!!! It has the wrong PH balance and will burn their delicate skin! If you used it on an adult, it HAS to be diluted at least

March 30, 20220 found this helpful

I know this is a really old post, but in case anyone is reading these for ideas, especially with cats, please never use tea tree oil on or near them. It is extremely toxic to them, as their livers cant process the chemicals in tea tree oil (and other essential oils). Please dont even use it diluted-you could be doing serious damage that you cant immediately see. I actually only use it on myself when my cat isnt in the room.
I think Dawn is a safer bet, although with small kittens, you need to get professional advice, as bathing them too early might cause hypothermia.

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March 14, 2011

Put a shallow dish of water with a little dish soap under a night light at night. The fleas will jump into the water and drown. :)

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