With our recent hot weather, I was looking for ways to entertain my son and keep him cool at the same time. All of these ideas were a hit with him!
I filled a large pot with some water and gave him a spoon and some small plastic bowls. He started out splashing the water with his hands, but by the end he had tried standing in it and had even put his head into the water. :)
Another thing that he enjoys is playing with ice cubes on the table. It is a little less messy than the pot of water and can entertain him for quite awhile.
He also really likes squirt bottles. He enjoys being spritzed with water and also likes to squirt water into his mouth.
Do you have any fun activities to keep kids cool in the summer?
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With my Grandson, I'll fill up the kitchen sink with water & let him stand in front of it on a sturdy chair. He can spend hours with plastic containers and various serving spoons, measuring cups, etc playing at making soup or whatever.
Remember, a toddler can drown in half a bucket of water. A pot full or a sink full sounds kind of dangerous to me.
Put him in a high chair & let him paint with strained fruit. A bath will be necessary when the artist is finished.
I would give my little ones a paint brush with a small bucket of water when they were outside. They loved to paint the picnic table, chairs, their toys, etc.
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