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Make Your Own Liquid SoapMakes 3 cups
Window Cleaner for Sprucing up the Bathroom Faucets and MirrorsKeep window cleaner and paper towels in each bathroom so you can give the faucets, mirrors, and porcelain a quick wipe whenever the mood strikes you., which may not be often, but at least you'll be prepared!
Wipe Off Tea Kettle When HotWipe your stainless tea kettle shortly after it has boiled. It's easier to wipe kitchen grease off it while it's still hot. Just be careful not to burn yourself.
Organizing SocksI use the dividers in glass bottle beer cases as sock dividers in my drawers. These dividers work just as well as the commercially sold ones in the organizational stores, but they are free.
By MaryME
Cleaning Glass for LessUse regular rubbing alcohol. Just a couple drops on a cotton ball, paper towel, or rag will clean any glass squeaky clean with no streaks for less than pennies per use.
Trade Rent for ChoresIf you have a grown child living with you and paying rent, see if he/she will trade off housekeeping duties for all or part of his/her rent. Hey, it might work!
Store Cleaning Supplies on Each FloorIf you live in a multi-story house, make sure you have the appropriate cleaning supplies on each floor, so there's less need to run up and down stairs to grab something you forgot.
Discouraging Earwigs?I have a really bad problem with them this year. I don't have any wood around my home to encourage them. Does anyone know of a natural odor or any natural thing that would get them out of the house?
Pink Stain in Toilet?I have this pink stain as a ring around the top of my water line in my toilet bowl. I have tried bleach tank drop ins with no success. Is there an effective tank drop in for these stains? I don't like those kind that hang on the side of the bowl and i don't like scrubbing those stains away every day either!
Painting a Church Room to Create a Children's Room?I am the director of the children and preschool departments. I have been given a room specifically for children's church. I get to pick the colors it is to be painted. My thoughts have been a blue with blocks of color in yellow and green.