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Peppermint SnowballsIn a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar; add vanilla. Stir in
flour; knead until well mixed. Reserve 1/2 cup of dough; shape
remaining dough into 1-inch balls...
Christmas Cherry SaladCombine all ingredients BUT DO NOT DRAIN PINEAPPLE.
Mix well, refrigerate for 3 hours before serving, be sure to chill well.
Holiday Broccoli Rice CasseroleI came up with this combination for broccoli rice casserole for a holiday potluck party for work. We have several vegetarians, plus one allergy to egg, one to corn and one to wheat.
Ring Baloney RecipeI'm sure everyone has had ring baloney boiled in pieces for dinner at one time or another in their life time. There are not many ways to fix this cut of meat. But, this one I've been using for years and people have been pleasantly surprised when served this dish.
RaguPlace bacon slices in bottom of heavy Dutch oven. Layer remaining ingredients as listed.
Brickle-Caramel ThumbprintsCombine dough and brickle chips; knead to blend. Refrigerate dough 30 minutes. Heat oven to 350-degrees F...
Removing Stamps From An EnvelopeHere's a tip for stamp collectors: Place a few drops of water on the stamp to be removed from the envelope. Heat in the microwave for 20 seconds and the stamp will come right off.
By Robin
Candle Making SafetyCandle making is an OUTDOOR activity. Yep. Ask any fireman. If you heat wax on a stove, and kids or the phone sidetrack
you, and the wax overheats or boils over, you might as well
have a major firebomb go off in the kitchen.
Labeling Dishes for a PotluckWhenever you go to a potluck type party, label your dish with a return address label. Don't forget to label your utensil (i.e. spatula, serving spoon), too.
Reindeer HayAs a kid we always had animals and on Christmas Eve would put a box of hay on the porch for the reindeer. Every Christmas morning it would be all gone, eaten by the reindeers. Made me a believer!
Fixing Loose Glasses with RubberbandsThis morning my glasses were so loose they were sliding down my nose. I keep a package of assorted rubber bands, and I selected two of the tiniest.
Check Out Terms and Expiration Date on Gift CardsNot all gift cards are a good deal. Check on expiration dates and such before you buy. Some companies deduct money from the card every month the account is open. Why should you pay up front, and then have them charge the recipient for the privilege of holding your money?
By Linda
Safety Pin Handy Fix ItCarry a small safety pin on your key ring. You can use it if your glasses lose a screw or you need to make a small wardrobe repair.
Cook a Round CakeUsing a round dish instead of a square one eliminates overcooked corners in baking cakes.
Festive Napkin Rings With Cookie CuttersSeasonal cookie cutters make great festive napkin rings and can be a little party favor, too. Just add a bright bit of ribbon or raffia.
Address Labels Inside and OutsideBe sure to put an address label inside and outside of any packages your are sending. If the exterior gets ripped or is illegible, the postal department can still figure out what to do with it.
By Linda
5 Tips for an Easier Holiday SeasonUse gift bags instead of wrapping gifts.So much easier and you can still use cute little package tie ons for the bag handles such as candy canes, ornaments or anything you can think of.
How to Fight Acne?Hi, I am going to that stage where you get a lot of acne. I hate looking in the mirror because I keep seeing zits all over my face. Facials make it even worse. I have to put on loads of coverup and my boyfriend just broke up with me because I had too many zits. Any advice? Emily
Peanut Butter Fudge Using Vanilla Frosting?In the past someone told me how to make peanut butter fudge using vanilla frosting, they do not remember the recipe and I have lost how to make it. Can anyone tell me what this recipe might be?
Juice Pouch Bags, Wallets and Checkbook Covers?I would love any directions for juice pouch crafts (purses, wallets, belts, etc.) I am a mom who is finishing a college degree, and I see them all over campus.They look so fun to make, and I have a teenage daughter who wants them, too. Thank you!
Uses for Cardboard Wrapping Paper Rolls?Uses for those cardboard rolls that you get with wrapping paper. Post your ideas.
Preventing Fudge From Sugaring?How do you prevent fudge from sugaring? What am I doing wrong?
Jen from Ohio
Ideas for being neighborly.This morning the house across the street from us burned down (all people and pets are safe). We have lived in our home less than one year and don't know the family, other than a friendly wave. I need help with ideas on what, as a neighbor, I can do for these people in this difficult time. Thank you.
Jodie from Missouri.
How to Make Mystic Chai Tea?Does anyone know how to make Mystic Chai Tea, the hot or cold spiced tea at Sam's Club? Any ideas? It is very good. Thanks for your help. - Susavon