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Here Are Some Tips To Prevent HypothermiaIf you're out in the cold and one of your companions begins to shiver violently and then becomes lethargic and drowsy, call for medical help immediately. In the meantime, keep the person sheltered and out of the wind. Remove wet clothing and replace it with dry, if possible. If he's fairly alert, feed him candy and, if available, hot sugary nonalcoholic liquids. Cover him with blankets or get him into a sleeping bag; if possible get into it with him and hug him - a person on each side is even better.
By Joesgirl
Low Calorie And Sugar Free Banana PuddingYou can also make this in individual serving dishes if you want. Eat up and enjoy.
Making Perfect RiceTo keep rice from clumping, add a few drops of cooking oil or a teaspoon of butter or margarine to the cooking water. For snowy white rice, add a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar to the cooking water.
Lint is ContagiousSince lint is highly contagious, remove it before you put a garment in the closet. No clothing brush? Wrap a strip of masking or cellophane tape around your hand, adhesive side out, and move it across the garment.
After Christmas ReturnsWait a week or so before making after-Christmas returns. Lines will be shorter, stores will be more re-stocked, and you will have had a chance to get an idea what you want to buy with the cash or gift-card you will get.
By Linda
Save Gift Bags That You Receive Presents InSave the gift bags. They don't take up much room and are easily re-usable. I haven't bought any for years.
Organizing The Linen ClosetTo keep table linens from creasing, install a rod just beneath a low shelf and hang the linens on hangers padded with paper towel tubes. Fold and store bed or bath linens by sets, not by size.
Lemons and Limes - Substitution and TipsYou can substitute 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar (any kind) for 1 teaspoon lemon or lime juice in any recipe. To get just a few drops from a lemon or lime, prick one end with a fork and squeeze. The fruit can be refrigerated and used again.
By Joesgirl
Inside Snow FunMost children love snow and playing in it.But for those
times it is too cold to play out or for those that do not
get snow I hope you will enjoy these activities.
Celebrating Christmas With My Italian RelativesBecause we now have 4 generations of relatives we hire a hall. We do this about the 2nd Sunday of December. That way everyone knows every year when to plan to celebrate.
The Iceman Cameth, Remembering The IceboxThe almost mythical iceman was a familiar neighborhood figure during the early part of this century. On hot summer days, as his horse drawn wagon came dripping down the street, he was trailed by children who knew him by name and were often treated to sliver of ice. Sporting a rubber apron aglisten with ice crystals, the iceman stopped at house after house, where cards or slates in the windows told him how much to deliver.
Congratulate Yourself After The HolidaysCongratulate yourself for pulling off another "holiday" with a treat-massage, facial, pedicure etc.
An After Christmas TraditionAfter I moved off to college, my family started a new tradition. Every year we'll all get together the week after Christmas in a city that's about equal distance for all of us. We'll stay in a nice hotel, watch as many movies as we can, do some shopping, go to a museum or two, and catch up. This is when we exchange our family gifts.
Find Sewing Machines At Yard SalesNeed a general purpose sewing machine for making repairs? Yard sales are an excellent source. They generally ask $20-$25.00 and can be bargained down too!
By Syd
For A Healthy Snack, Buy Granola-type Cereal Bars In BulkBuying a box of 48 Quaker Chewy Granola Bars at the discount warehouse stores, is much cheaper than smaller packages at the grocery store. They can last a long time on the shelf. Keep several in your car for a quick snack when you may be running late.
The New Year's Angel To The RescueThe month of December is a stressful month for children. It leads to squabbling. My father said they opened 1 gift on Christmas and the rest on New Year's Day. The New Year's angel came to our house starting the first of December.
Uses For ShorteningUses for shortening, other than cooking. Post your ideas.
When Buying a Printer, Factor In The Cost Of InkBefore you purchase a new printer; research and see if you can buy the ink to refill the cartridges. There are many online ink suppliers that furnish the "manufacturer's-type ink".
Uses For Kitchen FatUses for leftover fat from the kitchen, other than eating it. Post your ideas.
Christmas Breakfast CasseroleMake a breakfast casserole on Christmas eve that you can pop into the oven while your family opens gifts having coffee and cocoa.
Mailing Rebates On A Post CardMany times you can paste your rebate information to a post card for .23 cents rather than send an envelope for .37 cents. Trim the items down and overlap. The postage sure reduces the actual rebate! This may not sound like much, but if you rebate a lot, it does.
By Syd
Wood Stove Sales After ChristmasWood stoves come on sale after Christmas. I first purchased one that was not welded together. Big Mistake! Downdrafts would fill the house with fumes while we slept. I got rid of it for one that is sealed.
Mysterious Dark Color On Corduroy Pants?I have a pair of light colored corduroy pants and they are covered with some sort of dark color from the washer. I already dried them and they are just sitting there with this dark color all over them. How do I get it off?
Solution For A Flooded Garden Allotment?We have recently taken over an allotment and are planning to grow vegetables. My problem is the previous occupier dug lots of holes for projects they never finished, and now all the holes are flooded with water. Please can someone suggest how to fix this - I am concerned that what I will do will just send the water to the next plot. Thanks
Oxford Jane
Shirts With Stinky Underarms After Washing?This is kinda embarrassing, but my husband's shirts, in the armpits, are very stinky even after I wash them. I've tried numerous laundry tips to try and get them clean.
Discolored Wool Sweater?I have 2 questions regarding Norweigan wool ski sweaters with stains. Both are very expensive sweaters with lots of colors. Both are hand washable.
Preventing Mildew In The Bathroom?I have heard if you stash a few pieces of charcoal in a corner or two in the bathroom it would absorb moisture and discourage mold. I have used Damp-rid before but it gets too expensive. Has anyone ever tried this or know of any other things to try that are cheap?
Craft Ideas Using Gloves?I am looking for craft ideas to make with gloves, I have over 2 dozen that someone gave me. They are men's cotton/canvas gloves. Any ideas?
Terry in TX
Looking For Website That Gives Pet Advice?Does anyone know of a web site I can go to and find information about animal behavior problems -- for example, a question and answer type site. Thank you.
Caring For Stainless Steel Kitchen Center?I just bought a new kitchen center with a stainless steel top. I would like to know the best way to clean it and take care of it.
Thank you.
Pam from WV
White Spots On Patio Carpet?I have an indoor/outdoor carpet outside on my front patio and it seems to have a few white spots on it. I'm not sure if this is mildew or what but can anyone offer any assistance as to how I can remove these white stains.
Angela from Pennsylvania