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South Sea Island Pork KabobsThread 6 (8 to 10 inch) skewers with the marinated pork. Grill 6 inches from the heat source for about 10-15 minutes, rotating the skewers.
Impromptu Italian Skillet CasseroleSomething I just threw together last night.
Cheerio TreatsBoth of these recipes for Cheerio treats are delicious and easy to make.
Earth Clay SoapMelt down your soap and water in a double boiler method. Once your soap is melted stir through the remaining ingredients and add any scent or color, then pour the mix into your soap molds.
Build Your Own CanopyInstead of buying a canopy, build your own.
Cake for Wild Birds in Winter MonthsMany of us enjoy to feed in the spring and summer birds. Making these cakes is a great way to feed them during the winter months too.
Charlie (English Bulldog)English Bulldog named Charlie who is 2 yrs old. He loves chairs, it started with the kitchen chairs, but now everytime I take him anywhere he just sits on a chair like he's a person.
Lonely Man Searching for a Woman JokeA New York city man complained to a commuter friend that he didn't know any women, and he was lonely...
Batrisyia Driving Her CarOur cutie pie daughter Batrisyia Noor Tasneem enjoying a ride in her car.
Pumpkin Carving TipsHalloween is right around the corner. This page contains some Jack O'Lantern carving tips and resources. Feel free to post your own tips.
Cat Keeps Returning to Previous Home?I have a 6 year old female cat. We lived in this trailer for her entire life, until just a couple of months ago when we built a house and moved into it. The house is only about 1/8 of a mile from the trailer we used to live in and the cat hates the house! (She's an indoor/outdoor cat).
Homemade Gift For a 15 Year Old Boy?This year, our large extended family have decided to not buy any gifts for each other and to make them all. I love this idea and have made jewelry, a poem journal and am working on some magnets. Now my only trouble is what to make for my cousin Lan.
Water Stain on the Ceiling from Flooding?How to remove a water stain, that is a result of an upper floor bathtub overflowing, from the white sealing?
Entertainment Ideas for a Single Female?I don't drink, smoke, gamble, do drugs, or go to church. The nearest place to volunteer is 100 miles away. People ask me if I have hobbies, it's like what? Does anyone have any ideas on what a single female could do?
Crochet Patterns From Glade Commercial?Has anyone seen the "Glade" commercial with the Crochet Lady? She's making little covers for her smelly cones... the old air fresheners. She's making a Christmas tree and at the end she tells them next time she'll be showing them how to make this cute little bunny cover!
Coping With Fibromyalgia-CFS?I have fibromyalgia-cfs. If anyone else out there has this and has any ideas on making daily living, ie; chores, etc. easier and less taxing on the body, please share. I have days where I'm in so much pain it's hard to even take a shower. My hands hurt so much just holding a tooth brush hurts.
Energy Efficient Thermostat?I want to install a energy efficient thermostat, one that will turn on the heat in the morning, down while I'm at work, then back on in the afternoon, and then back down at night. Is this something that I can do myself or is it something I will need to hire an electrician for?
Odors From Cooking Chinese Food?I am a university student and this year I have two foreign students from China living with me. Their food has a very strong smell, and they cook 3 times a day, sometimes more.
Advice About Pressure Cookers?Are pressure cookers good, great or fantastic to use? I am considering purchasing one but remember all the mishaps with them in our distant past. Have they improved? Any brand recommendations that you would recommend?
Paper Name Tag Backing on Washable Suede?I have a paper name tag backing on washable suede jacket - how can I get it off?