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Potato Tomato CasseroleLayer 1/2 of potatoes, tomato, onion, seasonings and cheese in a greased 8 inch. square baking dish...
Zucchini SpearsZucchini is easy to grow and just as easy to cook. This is a great recipe that is quick to prepare.
Easy Southern Banana PuddingArrange half of the wafers on bottom and up sides of 2 quart bowl, top with layers of half each of the bananas and pudding...
Elmo Cake and TipsThis is an Elmo Cake with the Buttercream icing tip. I recently made a cake for a birthay party of 40 people or a friend. The theme was Elmo. Rather than make 2 Elmo cakes, I decided to make a big sheet cake and make Elmo as 3-D on top of the cake. It was a yellow cake with buttercream icing.
Cracker Crumb PotatoesI've been making these since the 60's and I've never actually used a recipe. It's really simple to adjust to your needs and they taste so good. (Rabbit is also good cooked this way)...
Additions to RiceAdd flavored boullion or spices to rice while cooking...
Quiz TV Show JokeA host has a gimmick on his tv show in which he phones people at home and gives them a contest quiz...
Crocheted Pocket ScarfKeep your neck and hands warm with this versatile pocket scarf.
The Boys - Petey and RalphyWe caught "The Boys" napping together one day. Petey and Ralphy seldom settle down long enough to nap, but they sure look like sweet twins here!
Panhandler JokeDuring a recent hot spell in New York, a panhandler collapsed on the street...
Mattress TipsWhen buying a mattress, make your sure to lay down on it. Just sitting on a mattress won't tell you what it's like to sleep on it. Take it for a test drive in the store.
Quick and Easy Chocolate IcingThis is a quick and easy chocolate that also doubles as chocolate icing. In a microwave safe bowl, place equal quantities cream cheese and chocolate bits (both can be generic).
Homemade Fake BloodPlace the corn syrup into a bowl and mix in some hot water, add a little at a time until your have a nice consistency (not too runny, not too lumpy)
Brown Algae in Saltwater Fish Tanks?I would like to know how to treat brown algae in my salt water fish tanks? The tank is 2 months old.
Dry Cuticles and Dry Lips From Wearing Disposable Gloves and Masks?I work in a dentist office and use non-powdered gloves and disposable face masks. My cuticles are very dry and itchy and are coming up off the nail bed and my lips are also itchy and dry and peeling. Both my nails and lips are painful. I've tried vaseline, chapstick, aveeno lip moisturizer, bendryl allergy cream, triple antibiotic on both my lips and nails.
Aniseed Extract?Does anyone have any ideas on how to make aniseed extract? Any help would be appreciated.
Nature Foretelling the Season?This may sound foolish to some but, I have heard that you can use nature to foretell seasons. Like, pine cones growing high in the trees means a harsh winter. I was wondering if maples can tell us something too. We live in a rural area, with lots of pine birch and maples.
Promoting you know any relatively frugal ways that we can promote Most traditional advertising is out of our price range and not really that effective since we don't really sell anything. So we require a volume of users and visitors to keep this site self-sufficient. If any marketers out there have any ideas they would be willing to share, we sure would appreciate it.
Using Acorn Flour?I am wondering about "acorn flour". Has anyone ever used it? What have you used it in and did you grind it yourself? Would you mind sharing your methods and recipes?
Baking for the Troops?This is the first time that I have some free time on my hands, and I thought that I'd make some care packages to send to friends of my son who are in the service. I remember seeing posts in the past about what to send, but cannot find them at this time.
How can I tell if a dish is oven safe?How could I tell if a dish is oven safe such as Bakewear, Ovenwear and Pyrex. It has no indication. I know how to tell if a dish is microwave safe, but I am sure it is not same.
Getting Smoke Smell Off a Mattress?I hope someone can help me. I was given a new mattress (but) it was in a room at the other end of a house that caught fire. How can I get that smoke smell out.
Sewing Machine Keeps Breaking Needles?My sewing machine needs adjustment but I don't know how and I can't afford to take it to a repair shop. The needle keeps hitting and breaking or bending really bad on the feed dog. Does anyone know how and what to adjust so the needle is in time with the feed plate.
Is Vinegar Harmful to Hamsters?When cleaning my hamster's cage I used Distilled White Vinegar to remove the urnie stains. It wasn't all dry when I returned my hammie to the cage and she managed to lick some up. Is this harmful for her or not?
Making Decorative Breads (Non-edible)?I am looking for instructions on how to make decorative breads (non-edible) that had polyurethane on them. You arrange them in a basket. I received an arrangement as a gift several years ago and would like to try to make it.
Guideline for Raising Children Plaque?When my first child was born nearly 30 years ago, I was given a plaque. On it was a guideline for raising children. Something like "Children become what they learn. Example: A child raised with criticism learns to become critical. A child raised love learns to become loving..."