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Wormy Gelatin (Halloween Recipe)To unmold, dip pie plate in warm water for 15 seconds then gently loosen edges with moistened fingers...
Elevator Operator JokeJohn Moore of Michigan, tells about the fellow who swaggered into a hotel elevator and, as it moved upward, started trying to impress the pretty young operator...
Refurbishing GourdsLet your fall gourds dry after October and Thanksgiving use. Clean and paint back to what they looked like when they were first used. You will have gourds for years to come to use with out rebuying.
Change the Spices in a RecipeOccasionally, change the spices in your favorite dishes to give a bit of variety to it. Your family will be expecting the same old version and you'll have a surprise for them.
Mums and Fall DecoratingMums can be very easy to work with, and fall pumpkins make fun accessories for mums. The easiest thing to do is to create an arrangement of fresh flowers, place them in a jar of water, and place this jar inside the pumpkin...
Cereal Boxes for Magazine StorageMost cereal boxes can be converted into boxes to store magazines. Just remove the top flaps and cut the upper third of the box off at a diagonal angle. You can put contact paper on the outside of the box to make the box look better.
Peanut and StarThis is Peanut and Star. Every night when my husband gets out of his wheelchair, they are in it! It's so funny because they sit by the chair on the floor and just wait. Peanut has his arm around Star, he is her Daddy figure.
Talk to Friends About Preparing DishesRecently, while talking with a friend, we were discussing how we prepare the same dishes. By doing this, it's given me several ideas on how to change the way I go about preparing my dishes, mostly saving time in the kitchen.
Boo (Beagle Mix)My dogs name is Boo. She is 1 year and 2 months old and is a Beagle Mix. We got Boo from the Humane Society on August 30, 2004. She likes to jump, she can jump above the dining room window. She likes to sit in a lawn chair rather than lie on the ground. She is very unique.
How to Select, Ripen, and Peel an AvocadoLook for firm avocados if you're planning on using them later in the week, otherwise, select fruit that yields to gentle pressure for immediate use.
Orange Pumpkin Shaped Cookies?Does anyone have a recipe for those orange colored jack o lantern shaped cookies that they sell at the grocery store this time of year? I think they are just sugar cookies. A recipe would be great, I would prefer not to buy them.
Mold In My Garage?I have mold in my garage and it is all over my clothing and furniture how do I get rid of it?
Adding Tea Tree Oil to Hand Soap?I was wondering if anyone knows if you can add tea tree oil to any handsoap? And if so, how much and what kind of soap is best? Or is there a good hand or body soap already made using tree tea oil?
Costume Ideas for Someone Who Loves Fantasy and Computer Games?I'm at my wits end. You see my brother cant decide what costume to wear for halloween. We all have it figured out besides him and as the 31st is getting closer its giving us less time to get a costume together. Plus we're getting ready to put our house on the market on november 1st so we also don't have to much money.
Santa Heads Made From Detergent Bottles?Last year I went to Florida to a Christmas bazaar and I saw Santa Claus heads made with wool and fabric from detergent and liquid soap bottles. Does someone know how to make them? Over here in Germany they don't know these decorations. I want to make some of them for my friends.
Throw Up Stains on Pillow Top Mattress?I used to bottle feed my baby on my bed. But now I have baby throw up stains on my pillow top mattress. How can I remove the stains?
Avocado Seeds Not Sprouting?Any ideas why my avocado seeds that I have had in water now for 2 months still aren't sprouting, I have them suspended pointed side down. Also, what other plants can you grow using fresh vegtables or fruits?
Can My PC Remember My ThriftyFun Login Information?I often post answers to questions here but I have to post as a guest because I never can remember my name and password. Is there a way to keep these on my pc but secret?. I always mean to write them down but then forget to do it. Or forget where I wrote it. There are too many places where I need them to remember them all.
Carpet Anemone Stuck To the Side of the Tank?We have a Carpet Anemone and it has decided to fasten itself to the class of our salt water tank. We don't get to see the beauty of the carpet, only it's rear end. (Yes, it is very funny when we tell family and friends).