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Sausage Cheese BallsThis quick and easy recipe make a great appetizer.
Spicy Baked FishWash and dry fish. Place in dish. Mix oil and seasoning, and drizzle over fish...
Classic Macaroni and CheeseLow fat cheese and skim milk help to make this favorite dish heart-healthy.
Quick Tomato SalsaPlace all ingredients except tortilla chips in blender. Cover and blend on medium speed until blended but still chunky. Cover and refrigerate until serving...
Scallop KabobsGrill 15 minutes, turning and basting frequently...
Wrapping Gift CertificatesGift certificates are very popular at this time of year but don't just give one in a boring envelope. If it's for a magazine subscription, cut out pages from that publication and size down with a scanner to make a little booklet. Then wrap in a pretty box.
Designer PlatesI have a great homemade holiday gift idea that is great for family, friends, anyone! And it's so inexpensive, you could give one to everyone on your list!
Two Easy-to-Make Compost BinsNo matter how much you pay for a compost bin, breaking down organic waste requires four things: water, air, a few naturally occurring microbes and a fair amount of patience.
Make Your Own Gift Certificates for ChristmasMy tip is for a Christmas gift idea. Several years ago, I made up certificates for my granddaughter, then about 4 or 5, to give to everyone in the family.
Working with Sticky FoodsWhen preparing a dish with anything sticky like syrups, honey, molasses, or peanut butter, spray your spoon and measuring cup with a non-stick cooking spray.
Inexpensive Gifts for FriendsRunning short on time and money this weekend, I came up with a craft that I can make and give to many of the women in my life. It comes out beautifully and it is easy to do.
Storage Solution for Charms, Buttons, etc.I have found a cheap storage solution for charms, buttons, brads, eyelets or anything small and in multiples. I get FREE pill storage containers from the pharmacy! Then I use nail polish remover to take off the S-M-T-W-T-F-S for the days of the week.
A New Kind of Plant"Live" garden art.
Crocheted Tulip PlacematsThis tulip placemat is a cheerful way to welcome spring. I designed this pattern when I was living in Seattle, and wanted something to brighten my kitchen - a definite necessity while waiting for the beautiful, sunny days of summer.
Tall Floral ArrangementFloral arrangements are best classified by shape. This project describes how to build a tall triangular floral arrangement. When complete, it will look best on a podium, shelf, or end table as the tallest of three objects.
Buying Plain Cloth or Satin Purses?I need to know the best place to find plain cloth or satin purses to decorate? I would appreciate any help that you have to offer.
Cutting Pills?My small dog is on several meds. One of them needs to be divided into quarters. The tab is small and is scored for dividing in half, but when I cut the halves into quarters, sometimes the tabs splinter and/or divide unequally.
Advertising a Holiday Food Drive?I'm a senior in high school and I'm also in an EAST program and my project is to host a holiday non-perishable food drive and I was wondering if anybody might have any tips on great advertising to get the word out?
Coupon Sites for WebTV Users?Does anyone know of any coupon printing sites that are compatible with my WebTV? All of the ones I go to say I can't use them.
Natural Outdoor Christmas Decorations?I am looking for some "natural" decorating ideas for the Christmas Holiday. I plan on using Magnolia leaves, pine bows and pine cones as interior decorations. What I would really like is some outside ideas that I can use. Particularly for my front door and back door as well as my mailbox.
Polar Fleece Puppet Scarf?I am looking for a pattern or instructions to make a polar fleece scarf with puppet heads at each end. I saw them at a craft fair, but can't find a pattern.
Comparing Video Cards?I am wanting to buy a video card for my son for Christmas. There are a ton of different video cards to buy. Does anyone know how to compare video cards and how to tell what is a good buy? Is Ebay a good place to buy one?
Country for Coupons and Freebies?When a website is shown for freebies, coupons etc. PLEASE mention if they apply ONLY to the USA or to ALL of your readers...
What type of glue do I use for fabric?Could someone please let me know the best glue for fabric? I believe I have tried it all, but my jewels fall off of everything I make. I would appreciate any help that you have to offer.
Using Refillable Lighters?At this time of the year I use refillable lighters often to light a fire or burning candles. Does anyone know how long the refillable lighters last? Of course, I think I am saving money purchasing these refillable lighters but it seems that once they empty and I refill them they just don't seem to work as well.
Preserving Old Wooden Spools?I have several wooden spools that belonged to my grandmother. I was wanting to keep them in a jar with some of her old buttons. Do you know if it is better for anitquity to keep the thread on them or off? I know that I am to leave the labels on.
Storing Cat Food in Plastic Kitty Litter Containers?Is it safe to use the plastic kitty litter containers to store your pets food - loose. I buy 20lbs at a time and its very difficult to keep my two cats DewBugE and Little out of the bag.
Party Ideas for Kids With Disabilities?We have an autistic grandson who will be 10 in January. His parents are planning a birthday party for him at the school where he resides. Does anyone have any suggestions for what to do at a party for children who have learning disabilities? There will be other children there too who don't have disabilities.
Paint Color for Knotty Pine Cabinets?I need a paint color that will compliment knotty pine cabinets in my kitchen.
Reusing Swiffer CarpetFlick Pads?Can anyone who has a Swiffer CarpetFlick tell me if the disposable pad can be cleaned somehow and reused again? I've looked at this product in the stores, and it's difficult to tell from the box what the pad is made out of and if it would withstand hand or machine washing or if the dirt and debris would be too difficult to remove at all.
White Chocolate on a Leather Sofa?Does anyone know how to get melted white chocolate off a leather sofa?
Removing Fabric Softener Spot from Sweater?I got some fabric softener on a sweater. It went through the wash and dry cycle before I noticed it. It has left a big spot --- does anyone have ideas on how to get the spot off the sweater? Fabric content of sweater is silk / cotton blend.