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Pepperoni SaladCombine salad dressing and mustard. Prepare rotini according to package directions; drain. Rinse in cold water; drain. Combine pasta with remaining ingredients. Toss with dressing. Chill. Serves 10-12...
Confetti Vegetable SaladDrain all vegetables. Put in large dish. Heat vinegar, sugar and salt until sugar is dissolved. Add all. Cool slightly and pour over vegetables; stir gently. Cover tightly and refrigerate...
Cake Mix Chocolate Chip CookiesThere's just something special about homemade cookies, especially chocolate chip cookies, so far as I'm concerned. It's a great family activity, something even children can help with, and everyone loves eating the results...
Easy Wheat RollsDissolve yeast in warm water in a large mixing bowl. Stir in sugar, salt, shortening and beaten egg. Add wheat flour; stir in and let set a few minutes. Gradually add white flour. Knead only enough to mix thoroughly...
Blueberry Cream MuffinsIn a bowl, beat eggs, and gradually add sugar. While beating, slowly pour in vegetable oil; add vanilla. Combine dry ingredients and add alternately with the sour cream to the egg mixture.
Cinnamon Rolls - Bread and BunsCombine this and knead well. Let rise until double in size. Make into buns and let rise again and bake at 350 degrees F for about 20 minutes...
Graham Nut MuffinsHeat oven to 375 degrees F. Line 12 muffin cups with paper cups or generously grease. Lightly spoon flour into measuring cup, level off...
Pea Picking CakeThis cake will melt in your mouth. I even typed it up and put in our Clemson Master Gardener Cookbook we just published. It is called Pea Picking Cake. It is easy to make and a huge hit with all! There won't be any left!
Zeak (Beagle Terrier Mix)Zeak is 2 years old and is a Beagle/Terrier mix. We got him when he was 6 weeks old. I was driving into Hillsboro to do some shopping and passed a sign for free puppies. My son and I decided to check it out. I told my son that we would only take one if they had a male left.
Removing Wax with DawnWhen washing dishes with Dawn, I put the washables with wax on them in the dish water. Voila! The wax just slid off. I tried placing a warm sponge with the dish water on the wax on the counter top and again, the wax just slid off. So I tried it with a washable tea towel. It worked again.
"Habit Changing" CalendarSimple Savings have just released a FREE "Habit Changing" calendar. It is brilliant. I recommend it to everyone. There is an US and Australian version...
Bead and Sequin Ornaments (Grandma...My grandma made the most beautiful bead and sequin ornaments and they have always been my favorites on our tree. This year I attempted to recreate these stunning ornaments. These are great decorations and also make a wonderful gift.
Organizing Plastic BagsInstead of wadded plastic bags stuffed higgledy-piggledy, she had taken each bag by the bottom and the handles and smoothed it to a thin, upright column. Then she had laid the brown paper sack on its side and placed each plastic bag inside, with the handles up.
Be Kind to Your AnimalsThis winter, don't forget to be kind to your animals. They need fresh water and food and shelter just as much in the cold weather just as much as they do in the hot weather.
Punched Aluminum OrnamentIf you like the look of punched tin ornaments, but think they're too much work, try punched aluminum. Cut the bottom out of a small aluminum pan (like a pot pie pan).
Doodle Bug (Chihuahua)Doodle Bug is our 3 month old Chihuahua. She was born here on our Mini-Farm.
Doodle Bug enjoys ripping paper to shreds. Yikes! So we have diverted her energy to a Red Fuzzy Toy that we call FuzzBuddy.
Jack Frost Frosty the Snowman JokeWhat did Jack Frost say to Frosty the Snowman?...
Hanging and Displaying a Baseball Hat CollectionFor my son's baseball hat collection I mounted a curtain rod at the top of his closet door. From it I hung the baseball hats, using metal shower curtain rings. (through the part in the back where you adjust the hat size).
Borrowing Against Your Home EquityBorrowing against your home equity looks good on paper. But don't do so, unless it's a dire emergency, such as a medical emergency.
Making Photo MagnetsEver end up with too many business magnets (such as pizza) for the fridge? These are often paper-glued on top of a really nice magnetic sheet, and the perfect size for your own "make your own" magnet!
Local Technical SchoolsRemember to look into your local Technical High School. Ours has a bakery, open to the public once a week with inexpensive and delicious baked goods. You can even order birthday cakes from there...
Holiday Shelf Liner Table RunnerThis table runner, made out of shelf liner, makes a decorative addition to your holiday table.
Wedding Expenses - Who Should Pay For What?I was just wondering if anyone knows where I can find a link of who pays for what expenses in a wedding?
Lamp with a Fillable Base?I'm trying to find a lamp base that is fillable. I can't find one for under $100.
Training a Rottweiler?I have a female rotty and I was wondering if you had any ideas on what to teach her. She already knows, sit, down, stay, heel, come, bite, and out. I need to know where to go from here.
Scorched Sugar on a Pan?I need advice for removing scorched sugar from a pan.
Waverly Wallpaper #574411?Does anyone have 2 single rolls of Waverly wallpaper (green and creme stripes)? Pattern #574411
Kitchen Counters and Cabinets that Go With Oak Floors?I am thinking about replacing my kitchen cabinets and counter tops, but I am not sure what color I should choose for the cabinet and counter top in order to match my floor (oak wood floor with natural color).
Gas Spilled on Laundry Basket!I need help fast. I had to 2 full laundry baskets full of clean clothes and my sister's dog knocked a gas can over and gas spilled all over them. Now both baskets smell like gas. I can't afford a new wardrobe.