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Pass the ColeslawCole Slaw is always a welcome salad addition to any summertime
meal. Whether you prefer creamy, sweet/sour, or a special family
favorite, serve cole slaw. with burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches,
grilled or fried chicken, grilled fish, thick, juicy steaks, or
even meatloaf. Coleslaw adds crunch, flavor, and color to any
Pecan Butter BallsRecipe for Pecan Butter Balls. Mix first six ingredients, roll into balls. Bake at 325 degrees F for 25 minutes. . .
Homemade "Grape Nuts"Recipe for Homemade 'Grape Nuts'. Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and beat until smooth. Spread dough on 2 large cookie sheets. Bake at 350 degrees F for 25-30 minutes. . .
Caramel Apple BarsCaramel Apple Bars recipe. For the crust and topping, beat the brown sugar, butter and shortening in a mixing bowl until creamy. Add the flour, oats, salt and baking soda.
Milk of Magnesia for AcneMilk of Magnesia for Acne. This is a great tip! I am 43 years old and have acne. As a teenager I didn't have this problem. . .
Watch for False AdvertisingWatch for False Advertising. Try to look at your receipt when you buy big-ticket items like a flat screen T.V. My husband was alert enough to see that Best Buy advertised a high definition T.V. from Sony with higher pixels or some other technical term but were selling an older version.
Having Fun Saving and Making Extra MoneyHaving Fun Saving Money. I'm a preschool teacher, but just started a month off of work without pay (we close in August for maintenance and teacher training).
Uses for Bacon GreaseWhat are some uses for bacon grease? We like to put a little in green beans, especially fresh picked ones.
My Frugal Life - BarteringI'm almost ashamed to admit it but I have not been a frugal person most of my life. Up until 5 years ago, my husband and I both had great jobs ...
Sifting Dry IngredientsIf you don't have a flour sifter but a recipe calls for sifting ingredients, put the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir well with a whisk.
Lucy (Collie/Shepherd)Lucy (Collie/Shepherd) Photo. Lucy is our 8 year old Collie and Shepherd (I think). We adopted her from Animal Rescue in 1998. . .
Problems Growing PeppersProblems Growing Peppers. I usually have great success growing peppers. This year the plants have not grown at all since I planted them (2 months ago).
Quick Stir Fry?You can reduce the time it takes to stir fry slow cooking vegetable like carrots and broccoli by blanching them. You can also reduce the cooking time by cutting them thinly.
Does vinegar harm wood?Does vinegar harm wood?
Recipes Using Soy Nuts?I have about 3 cups of soy nuts that I don't know what to do with. I believe they are all salted. i have tried eating them and really don't like them. I can give them away but as I am very tight on food, I would like to try to use them.
Cooking a Cake in a Saucepan?I am trying to find a recipe on how to make a cake solely in a saucepan on a hob or gas ring. My grandmother used to make her cakes this way but she never passed the recipe on before she died. She never had an oven so she never oven baked.
Putting a Shelf on the Wall Without Brackets?I am looking for a unique way to put a shelf on the wall, using some kind of supports, but not brackets. I had a wild hair about using soup cans (loll) if anyone has any Ideas on what I could use I will welcome the help.
Freezing Roma Tomatoes?How do I freeze fresh Roma tomatoes?
Juice Box Purse Pattern?I am looking for an easy pattern to make Juice Box Purses.
Cushings Disease Advice?We have a dog that is part Dalmatian. She has just been diagnosed with Cushings Disease. She has an overactive thyroid gland. Has anyone had a dog with this disease and if so, what did you do to correct this situation.
Locust Making Holes in Window Screens?Small holes appeared in window screens all around the house. They were replaced about a month ago. The holes began appearing again and the culbret was caught in the act! A locust was actually seen cutting away. I have searched the web and can only find where they destroy crops/trees etc. Why window screens and how can this be stopped?
Crocheted Afghan Pattern?Several years ago I crochet an afghan, unfortunately I can't find a pattern for it now. It was made of individual strips, joined with a single crochet but each strip had a ruffle on it. Would anyone who does crocheting have this pattern or know where I can get it.
Buying Cream of Coconut?I have a recipe that calls for cream of coconut. I have looked at WalMart, Albertsons and Blue Sage, the only supermarkets available and cannot find it.
Removing Acrylic Water From a Vase?I have a flower arrangement in a vase with acrylic water and would like to re-use the vase. Can I get the acrylic water to become liquid again or have I lost the vase?
Woven Candy Wrapper Purses?Have you seen those cute purses made from woven candy bar and potato chip wrappers? I can't find instructions. They look like the old gum wrapper chains, only larger.
Smoke Smell on a Wood Bassinet?I have a wood bassinett that smells from smoke. How can I clean it and get the smoke smell out of the wood? There are also 2 heavy pressboard inserts that smell.
Dorothy Lynch Salad Dressing?Dorothy Lynch Salad Dressing. My Mom used to have a recipe for Dorthy Lynch Salad Dressing, but due to her fading memory, she has lost the recipe and really doesn't remember even having it.
Black Scuff Marks on a Car?I am looking for tips for removing black scuff marks off a car.
Canning Soy Milk?Does anyone know how to can homemade soy milk? I regularly make my own and keep it in the fridge, but it would be convenient if I could can some to use in an emergency, or if I simply forget to soak soy beans.
Deleting Auto-Fill Information On My Computer?I would like to know how to delete the information that you type in when filling out forms and such on my computer. For example, when asking for address you type first letter and the rest shows up.
New Shoots Around the Base of Trees?I've read about new shoots coming up around the base of trees, (i.e. Dogwoods), but, what about the shoots that come up around the base/lower trunk of my Cherry tree and Crepe Myrtles? The bases of these trees are approximately 8-12" in diameter. Do I lope them off? Is it possible to transplant these "sprouts?"
Dealing With Emotions After Quitting Smoking?I quit smoking cigarettes 3 1/2 months ago and have been having a difficult time dealing with my emotions. Any suggestions from other ex-smokers?
Homemade Fabric Softener Sheets?How do I make homemade fabric softener sheets?
Upgrading WebTV?I need to upgrade my webtv to receive more e-mail information. I'm told my browser does not receive Java. What does that mean and what can I do to improve it?
IKEA Swedish Apple Pie Recipe?Does anyone have the recipe from IKEA Swedish Apple Pie or Cake. I would love to have the recipe.
Cutting Expenses?Tips for cutting expenses. This may be a strange request, but here goes. My son attends a very good college and we were fortunate to have most of it funded by scholarships, etc.
Birds Eating My Sunflowers?Bluebirds are eating the leaves of my sunflower and morning glory plants. Any ideas on how to deter them?