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Activity Ideas For A Doggie Get-Together!A friend is hosting a get-together of 20 or so dogs (rescued cocker spaniels) and their owners, in late September. Does anyone have ideas on fun things they could do to make it a memorable event?
Storing Applesauce in Ziplock Freezer Bags?I don't have jars to put the applesauce in and was wondering if I could put it in freezer type ziplock bags and put it in the freezer, without changing the taste, and how long it would last?
Repairing a Vinyl Floor?I have a small tear on my vinyl floor in the kitchen. Any ideas on how I can repair it?
Grey Bugs on Gourds and Squash?What are the little grey bugs all over my gourds and squash and the vines? My plants seem to be dyeing because of these bugs.
Crafting With Contact Paper?I am looking for info on Contact paper projects. Does anyone know a website with pics and directions for covering items with Contact paper? I'm trying to cover a small night stand.