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Fluffy CatFluffy Cat is about 2 months old. I posted Hades last week, it's his sister's kitten (he is NOT the father). He likes to scratch up the decorative driftwood on the patio.
Storing Fresh Fruit?Is there a way to store fresh fruit long term?
Cooking Hyacinth Beans?I have the most magnificent Hyacinth Bean vine, complete with beans now. I know the leaves, flowers and beans are edible but when I sampled a flower, it had a pungently raw bean flavor. Is there a way to tame that strong flavor?
Throwing a Costume Ball Party?My birthday falls on Halloween and for my 30th next year, I wanted to have a ball (like the royal families have) but I don't know how to go about it. I know I need time planning and my friends are willing to help but I need guidance.
Rotten Egg Smell Coming From Sink?Every time I turn on my bathroom sink, it stinks like rotten eggs. This does not happen anywhere else in the house. The kitchen sink, tub/shower, and washing machine do not stink at all, but the bathroom sink is just horrible when you turn on the water.
Wedding Reception and Ceremony Site in Maryland (and DC)?I need cheap reception and ceremony sites in Maryland and DC
Getting Rid of Leftovers After a Community Sale?We just had a community sale. I am looking for group or organization that will come and take away all the boxed up "stuff" that was unsold - any suggestions?
Inexpensive Birthday Ideas While At University?My daughter turns 21 on 1 November, right in the middle of her graduate exams. She lives in an university residence in another city, 75 km from home. Money is tight, so I would appreciate ideas for her to celebrate the occasion with her university friends.
Blackberry or Blueberry Kuchen?I am looking for a recipe for Blackberry or Blueberry Kuchen. Its a German pastry my grandma always made and haven't been able to find one that is just like hers.
How can I remove wax build up on vinyl flooring?How can I remove wax build up on vinyl flooring?
Food Vouchers for Supermarkets in England?How do I get food vouchers to use the supermarket in England?
What kind of dog is this? (Chow Mix?)This is my 2 and half month old PAPAYA. Please somebody tell me what kind of dog he is.
Simple Dessert Ideas?I am working at school again with autistic children. We are having a picnic next friday. Does anyone have any simple ideas for dessert.
PUR 200 Advanced Filtering Water Cooler Reviews?PUR 200 Advanced Filtering Water Cooler Reviews. Does it work well? Is it easy to clean? Is the water well deep enough to hold the over-flo of water? Are the filters easy to install; and easy to find for purchase? Any major problems you can advise me of about this cooler?
Inexpensive Heating for a Cabin?We use our lake cabin all of June, July and Aug, with only day visits to open and close it in May and October. We've had it for 39 years and have NEVER used heat of any kind. However we now can't get NC insurance without a whole house heating system. What is the cheapest arrangement that would "pass muster"?
Removing Linoleum Flooring?Does anyone have any experience with removing linoleum flooring from hardwood floors? My house was built in 1956. I do not know when the linoleum was laid over the hardwood floor or why they would do it. It is in just one hall way.
Ranch Style Beans With Kielbasa?I am looking for a bean recipe. If I were to name this recipe, I would call it ranch style beans, but not like the canned ranch style beans. These are slow cooked and have some sort of kielbasa sausage in them.