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Bootsie (Kitten)Bootsie is a 6 week old kitten. We got him just one week ago at the church's trick or treat night. He was our treat.
Gingerbread Men RecipeI want to make gingerbread men ornaments for christmas. How do I make them. The kind you eat as well as the kind you don't.
Picture By Jean Fous?I found this old, framed picture at a local thrift store by Jean Fous. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this advertising Company or the Author?
"Sounds of Christmas" Theme Float?I need help with a Christmas Parade float. The theme is "Sounds of Christmas" It for my Girl Scout Troop
Soaking A Romertopf Clay Covered Casserole?My mother used to make the most delicious meals with a large Romertopf clay covered casserole. I've had it in a cabinet taking up a lot of space for years and not used it, because this method requires soaking for at least an hour and feel that the kitchen sink is not sanitary enough.
Deep Fried Zucchini Chips?I would like to have the recipe that "In and Out" drive thru's in California has for deep fried Zucchini Chips.
"Tennessee Christmas" Float Ideas?Our church is going to be in the christmas parade and we are using the theme "Tennessee Christmas" and would like to implement all parts of Tennessee such as Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, Andrew Johnson, etc.
Removing a Frozen Pie Crust From Its Pan?How do I remove a purchased, frozen pie crust, from the pan, without the crust breaking? I have tried letting it thaw. I have tried running warm water on the backside of the pan, neither of these tricks, work too well!
Easy Craft Ideas?I am looking for some easy crafts for my 9 year old grandaughter. Her school is having a craft / bazar day next Saturday (Nov. 11th) which the kids can make things to sell at. I want to help her do this but am having a senior moment with this.
Mildew Smell When Removing Wallpaper?I am removing wallpaper in the family room and have noticed that the paper smells, kinda musty smell. It smells stronger in certain areas. There really is no water source around this room.
"Sights & Sounds of Christmas" Float Ideas?We are a Pool & Spa Store. Need ideas on a float for Christmas Parade. Theme is "Sights & Sounds of Christmas".
My Cotton Sweater is Falling Apart?I recently bought a woven cotton sweater from a re-sale shop, and I LOVE it. the fabric is disintegrating. Does anyone have a solution for old 100% cotton?
Finding a Collie in Southeastern Iowa?Our Collie passed away recently and we are very much wanting to find another one. She was a wonderful dog and we desperately want to find another Collie. It seems that Collies are in short supply around southeastern Iowa and I was just hoping that possibly someone out there might know where we could find one.
Uses for Pomegranate Fruit?We have a wonderfully productive pomegranate tree - but what do I do with all that fruit? So far all we've been doing is making folks happy by giving them away - can I freeze the "jewels"? Make juice?