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We Aren't Sending the SpamRecently we've been getting lots of requests, especially from hotmail email addresses telling us to stop sending spam. Because we have opt-in subscriptions and never have sent out spam in our 9 year history, these messages are NOT from us (just appear as if they are) and we can do nothing to stop them.
Can I use the knifty knitter looms for crocheting?Can I use the knifty knitter looms for crocheting?
Nail Glue on Microsuede?I recently dropped a small drop of finger nail glue on my mico suede couch. How can I safely remove the glue?
French Canadian Trapper's Hat Pattern?I am looking for a pattern (to use with a knifty knitter loom) to make a french canadian trapper's hat. It resembles an upside down ice cream cone with a long tail that hangs over the shoulder.
Washing Your Back?Any advice on the best way to wash your own back while showering? No spouse at this time.
Homemade Shower Gel?I want to make shower gel. Any ideas on how?