
September 14, 2007

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Recipes With Fresh Produce Instead Of Packaged FoodsAnyone have recipes for meals on the cheap using more fresh ingredients from the produce department (fresh veggies especially). Of course packaged foods are much cheaper, but I'd like to avoid high sodium content and the myriad of preservatives in these items whenever possible.


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Ice Box Gingerbread with ToppingsCream butter and sugar. Add 1 egg at a time, beating well. Add molasses, soda and buttermilk alternately with flour. Add spices.


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Savory Popcorn MixHeat oven to 300 degrees F. Mix popcorn, pretzel sticks and crackers in ungreased rectangular pan (9x13 inch). Mix remaining ingredients. Drizzle over popcorn mixture; toss until evenly coated.


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Creamy Nutty TunaSoften cheese and mix with remaining ingredients. May be served as a spread for crackers, on lettuce leaves or as a sandwich filling.


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Butter Rum CakePreheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a Bundt pan. To prepare the cake, melt butter and oil together; pour into mixing bowl. With an electric mixer, beat in eggs, one at a time.


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Crispy Sweet PicklesSlice cucumbers and chop onions and peppers. Sprinkle salt over mixture and let stand for 3 hours in non-aluminum container. For syrup, combine vinegar, sugar and seasoning and bring to a boil.


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Another Chicken DishWrap each chicken piece in bacon. Cover bottom of 9x13 baking dish with chipped beef. Arrange chicken on top. Mix soup, sour cream and desired seasonings and pour over chicken.


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Garlic BreadThoroughly rub outside crust of bread with two slightly crushed cloves of garlic. Split loaf in half length-wise and place each half, crust down, on cookie sheet.



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Use Baking Soda To Prevent SOS Pad RustHow to get the most out of your S.O.S. pads. By putting a layer of baking soda wherever you store your used sos pads will prevent rusting.


Three napkins hung on the point over the curtain rod.

Use Napkins as a Window TreatmentWhile I was washing my kitchen curtain, I decided to experiment. I layered three cloth napkins, that match my kitchen wallpaper, on my curtain rod for a new look. An inexpensive alternative for a curtain.


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Pill Box For EarringsA seven day pill box is a good organizer for storing your earrings.


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Make Emergency Kits In Free BagsWhen you get free bags from conferences or baby formula companies, keep them. Load them up with a variety of things you might need in an emergency or during a delay.


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Save Magnets From Memo PadsYou know those large magnetic memo pads you get for $1.00. You stick them on your fridge and finally toss when empty.


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Gardening Clean UpI like to wash my hands outside after gardening and weeding. I gather up soap pieces, put them inside an empty onion net, and tie it to an outdoor spigot.


Ornaments hanging on rack.

Snowman OrnamentClear glass ornaments and styrofoam balls makes this cute snowman ornament. You can either use a bigger glass clear ball ornament or a smaller one, just make what size you use, have the head part smaller.


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Ovicollar Flea TreatmentThere is a new product out for dogs who have fleas or for prevention. It is called the "Ovicollar". it contains methoprene which kills the flea eggs and breaks the cycle of fleas.


Birdbath PlayOur 1 year old grand daughter playing in the bird bath in our back yard. I thought the water drops were so pretty reflecting the blue of the sky and the pink of her shirt.


Wilson The DogWilson is 6 and a half. I don't know what breed he is, I've had him since he was a puppy. He likes to play with his ball, go to the river, shag pillows.


Getting Started Saving Money"I want to start saving some money each month, but don't know where to start. What do you suggest?" Here are answers from the ThriftyFun community. Feel free to post your own ideas.



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Ingrown Hairs After Surgery?I had lymph nodes removed from my left armpit 3 years ago.


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Pruning Potentillas?I have Potentillas growing up both sides of my laneway and I would like to know, if you can prune Potentillas.


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Where To Find Earth Shoes?Anyone remember Earth shoes from 1970 era? If Earth shoes are still around can you tell me where to find them? Thanks.


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Recipe For Garlic Olive Oil?How to make plain olive oil into garlic flavor oil, any recipes?


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Removing Lip Gloss From Cotton Blouse?How can you get lip gloss out of a new cotton blouse.


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Advice For Putting Queen Size Bed On Risers?I have a queen size bed that I would like to put on risers.


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Removing Furniture Paint Marks Off Deck?I have a new wood deck. My wrought iron table left green marks on the wood deck. How do I get the green marks off wood?


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Preventing White Residue At Lipline From Lip Gloss?Every time I wear lip gloss, chap stick or lip stick I get this nasty white goo at my lip line.


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Mystery Itchy Bump On Face?I'm searching for a solution to something I think is kind of odd.


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Removing Food Stains From White CorningWare?How can I get the worn in food stains out of my White CorningWare Baking Dish.


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Does The Power Rider Provide Effective Exercise?I have an exercise equipment that was really popular about 10 years ago.


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Decorating With Dust Allergies?I have allergies to dust, dust mites, and animal dander.


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Recipe for Angel Food Pudding and Fruit Cake?I'm trying to find a recipe for a dessert that had chunks of angle food cake on the bottom, a layer of vanilla pudding, and them fruit on top. I don't know if there is anything else in it or not.


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Using Diluted Pancake Syrup As Hummingbird Food?Does diluted pancake syrup make ok hummingbird food?


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Frugal Ideas For Replacing Cabinet Doors?Does anyone have any frugal ideas for replacing cabinet doors?


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Help With Constipated Puppy?What can I give to my 6 week old puppy to help her go poop?


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