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Brewster Wallpaper Pattern #960 61660?I am looking for a discontinued wallpaper. I need 2 double rolls.
When to do First Oil Change in 2007 Civic?I bought a new 2007 Civic and my car friends, mostly male, tell me that I should change the motor oil after the 1st 500 miles to get rid of possible junk pieces.
Easy Meals to Freeze?I am in search of easy dishes that can be cooked and frozen to enjoy later.
Looking For Review of Good Sturdy Vacuum?I am looking for a really dependable, sturdy vacuum.
Recipe for Caramel Apple Dip?Does anyone know how to make the caramel dip for apples ... like you get at McDonald's in the kids meals with apple slices?
Need Instructions For Shell/Postage Baby Afghan?Looking for corner to corner baby afghan shell/postage crochet that dec after so many rows? Help, baby on the way!
Pattern for Crocheted or Knitted Dog Booties?Does anyone have a pattern for knitted or crocheted booties for a dog?
Paint Over Papered Walls?Can you help me? I painted over pre-papered drywall, now it is flaking off. What can I do?
Cleaning and Protecting Auto Paint from Love Bugs?I live in the New Orleans area. Across the south in the spring and fall, we are plagued with little flying insects called LOVE BUGS.
Removing Cat Hair Embedded in Couch?How do I remove cat hair that is deeply embedded throughout a couch, in the seams & everywhere?
Craft Ideas for One Year Old?Any craft ideas for a 12 month old to make?
Should the Color of Your Shoes and Purse Match?Should the colour of your shoes and purse match?
Inexpensive Food Ideas For Family of Nine?I am looking for a inexpensive way to feed my family of nine.