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Tasty Rotisserie Beef TenderloinPlace beef tenderloin in a shallow baking dish. Pour the Zesty Italian dressing over the beef. Spread the mustard, 3 cloves of garlic, onion, salt and pepper on top of the beef. Cover the meat and let marinade for 2-4 hours. Place the tenderloin on the rotisserie and cook it for about 1 1/2 hours.
Pork with HoneyHeat a large saucepan and pour in the honey, stir until it sticks but is not caramelized. Add the butter and when hot add the pork cubes. Stir until brown for about 10 minutes.
HushpuppiesCombine the flour, corn meal, sugar and salt together. Add the egg, onions, and 1/2 cup of the buttermilk to the flour/cornmeal mixture. Gradually add in remaining buttermilk until batter is well mixed but not runny.
Christmas Holiday ActivitiesIf you are needing any holiday activities, here are a couple I do. We did this last year and it was so funny. We had my BIL draw the back end of a deer without the tail (we call Rudolph) on any large sheet of paper; (ie: back side of gift wrap, freezer paper, etc).
Babs The CatBabs is 13 years old. We got Babs, and her brother Beavis, from my sister-in-law who rescued feral kittens.
Christmas Cards SlipperThis is a good way to recycle those beautiful Christmas cards. And, if you just can't bear to cut them up; scan a copy of the card you like and then follow the instructions just as if it were the card. These are pretty hanging on the tree or from the fireplace mantel.
Using Mayonnaise In Your Hair?I am looking for instructions to condition my hair with mayo.
How Can I Tell If I Have a Pure Bred Puppy?I bought a pup and I was told she is a pure bred Amstaf but I'm not sure. How do I find out?
Cigarette Smoke on Teak Wood Chest?I received a Teak wood chest (I wanted cedar) from my mother-in-law which she has had for over 30 years. It is in good shape for being so old and has very detailed carvings (it was purchased overseas). Her instructions for cleaning were twice a year wipe it down using a soft paint brush and Liquid Gold.
Crafts Using Christmas Gift Bags?I have loads of Christmas gift bags that I will never use since we usually give gift cards. What are some crafty ways I can use them or turn them into other things? I thought of making them into cards but there again we have loads of blank Christmas cards, too. Any tips? I don't want to just throw them out.
Sealer Recommendations for Faux Granite Counters?Can anyone offer advice about which sealer is the best choice for the faux granite counters. Previous posts have mentioned Envirotex, Parks, Varathane, Poly etc. I'm afraid of the epoxys, but want a durable, professional result. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Summer Sausage Recipe without Preservatives?I would like a summer sausage recipe without preservatives in it. No tender quick, MSG or other nitrates. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks so much.
Agency Recommendations for Adopting Overseas?We are looking to adopt overseas and we are looking for information on agencies people have used. It's overwhelming and any help would be so greatly appreciated.
Thermostat for Singer Magic Steam Press 7?I need a thermostat for my Singer Magic Stream Press 7. The Model# is MSP7. Can someone help me find one?
Holding Up Liberty Spikes?I want to get some liberty spikes about 3 inches and was just wondering what would be the best stuff to use to keep it all up?
What Breed is My Dog?What breed is my dog?
Dirty Water Stains on Microfiber Cushions?After cleaning my taupe microfiber couch, I stood the cushions up to dry. As a result, it left blackish areas at the front of the cushions, back and front. I know this was a result of the dirty water pooling at the bottom.
Loading Songs onto an iPod Nano?I got an iPod Nano for Christmas and I haven't a clue about how to download songs from the internet. Can somebody walk me through it? In case you need to know, my computer has a 1.10 GHz processor with 512 MB of Ram and I'm running Windows XP, version 2002, Service Pack 2 with a Dial Up modem. Hopefully the dial-up won't be a problem! The Nano supposedly comes with 8 Gigs of total space. Thank you in advance for your help!
Upholstery that Holds Up to Cat Scratching?Do cats like to claw on microfiber furniture? My kitty scratched up my leather sofa. I think mainly the leather was too soft. I am looking for the most resistant or at least the least appealing type of upholstery to cats. Any ideas? Anyone have experience with microfiber? Or, are there types of leather that are fairly resistant to cat claws as far as when they are pushing off, etc?
Fake Pie Crust Recipe?I am looking for a recipe for a fake pie crust that looks real.
What Breed is My Dog?I don't know his breed, can anyone help me? The people I got him from said he was a lab/shepherd but I am not sure.
Crocheted Pop Can Top Pot Hot Pad?I am looking for a crochet pattern for a hot pad using the rings from the top of pop cans. I have made them before but it has been a long time ago and I have forgotten how to lay them out to interlock.
Freezing Cooked Salmon?Can I freeze cooked salmon?
Teflon Coming Off Roasting Pan?The Teflon came off of my roasting pan, is this dangerous if ingested?
Mop Recommendations for Polished Board Floors?I have just bought a home with polished boards and I don't know what is the best thing to clean them with. I have tried most of the current 'flashy' mops - except for the Swiffer. I am currently 'mopless' but unsure what is the best type to purchase. Please help! Thanks.
What Breed is My Dog?Just in time for Christmas we had two puppies rush into our house the other day when we came home from the store. We feel they have been abused and abandoned. After posting ads to find the owners we have decided to keep them but now the big question...what are they? I originally thought Pitt Bull, but their heads don't seem square enough. Does anyone know?
Advice for Exercising and Dieting?I have a 6 month old baby and can't really afford or find any time to go to the gym. So I was wondering if anyone knows of any good workouts and diet routines that would fit into a busy schedule.
Lawnmower Not Getting Gas?My new lawn mower is not getting any gas. The spark plug is clean. What should I do to get it started? I only used it once.
Recommendations for Replacing Baseboard Heaters?I am thinking of replacing the old type of baseboard heaters. Could someone give me the best type of units to go with, I definitely need one A.S.A.P. The one I am replacing is about 8 feet long. Thank you.
Does Fixing a Cat Help With Behavior?Our 7 month old unfixed male cat is constantly wandering around the house looking for trouble. He is also very talkative! Is this just a normal phase? He has not started to spray, yet. Will having him neutered solve the bulk of this problem. He's driving us crazy!
Shelf Life of Baking Chocolate?How long can you keep baking morsels and dipping chocolate on the shelf at your house? I have some, but I am not sure if I should use it.
Buying Bulk Catnip?Does anyone know of patterns for cat toys and also a reputable company to buy good, organic catnip in larger quantities? I don't need 50 lbs, I mean like 5 or 10 lbs. I requested prices from some on-line places but never got answers back.
Making Powdered Coffee Flavors?I am searching for information about flavoring powders to be used in coffee drink dry mixes. Thank you.
Frugal Anti-Fugal Humidifier Solution?I am looking for a frugal anti-fungal humidifier solution.
Candle Wax on Wood Burning Stove?A candle was melted on my wood burning stove by accident. I wiped all the hard wax off, but it still keeps smoking when we light the stove. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The whole house fills with the odor of candle wax.
Using Denatured Alcohol on Microfiber?I have a spot on a microfiber couch. The company told us to use denatured alcohol with a q-tip on it. Does anyone know if this works and how you do it?
Using a Gutter Rake?Has anyone ever used a gutter rake and does it work?