
February 13, 2009

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Coconut Rum BallsTreat for coconut lovers for Christmas. In a large bowl, combine crumbs, coconut, and nuts. Add sweetened condensed milk and rum, and mix well. Chill 4 hours. Shape into 1-inch balls. Roll in coconut.


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Mock Sour CreamI have a lot of recipes for people with heart problems and can not use salt. I know it is a pain but when you bite into something with salt in it after you are used to very little salt (if any at all), you are surprised at how you do not like salt! Happy Eating!


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Cinnamon SaladDissolve gelatin and red hots in boiling water. Cool to room temperature before adding applesauce. Chill and set. Mix well and top salad with remaining ingredients.


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Grape Vine Salad In a small saucepan, cook the eggs and orange juice over very low heat until slightly thickened, stirring constantly; set aside to cool. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, combine the grapes, cherries, pineapple, and bananas.


A heart drawn in chocolate.

Chocolate IS Valentine's DayMany of us are wondering what we can do to save some money this Valentine's Day and still say "I love you" to the wonderful people in our lives. So I scoured my mom's and aunt's and cousin's database for some fun and unusual chocolates for Valentine's Day just for you.


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Blueberry Brioche Bread Pudding This lighter version of bread pudding has a minty flavor and is bursting with deep-purple baked blueberries. The pudding can be prepared a day in advance. It is best when refrigerated for at


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Beef TenderloinTrim excess fat from tenderloin and place in large shallow baking pan. Bake in 400 degree F oven for 10 minutes. In skillet or saucepan saute the onion in butter until tender. Add remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Pour the mixture over the tenderloin.



A sandhill crane outside.

Crane Visits The YardThis beautiful sand crane was wandering around my front yard on Monday looking for his breakfast of tasty bugs and worms.


Prepare for Tax TimeTax Time, I hate it. However, there are a few things I do to prepare. Start only when feeling sharp, refreshed, and clear headed. If there are errors, it will only delay that return you need so badly.


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Make Cat Toys Out of Recycled MaterialsReduce, reuse and recycle! That seems to be my mantra now. Hmm, need more cat toys? Take an empty toilet roll tube and cut into 1 inch rings and toss one on the floor, lightweight, easily batted about, cheap (lol) and an endless supply!



Saving Money on ScrapbookingHere are tips and tricks for saving time and money on organizing these materials and clearing out the storage space, as suggested by the ThriftyFun community. Post your own advice here.


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Honey Peach PieLine 8 inch pan with pastry. Fill with fresh sliced peaches. Sprinkle peaches with 1 tablespoon quick cooking tapioca and dribble 1/3 cup honey over peaches. Lay twisted strips of pastry across top. Bake in hot oven, 425 degrees F for 35-40 minutes or until light brown.


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Save and Refill TV Dinner PlatesWhen TV dinners were on sale, I purchased a number of them. We used these dinners when we were in a hurry rather than eating fast food. When done, I washed and saved the "plate".


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Use Plastic Hanger Clips for Food ClipsWhen shopping for clothes that are on the plastic hangers with clips, like skirts, shorts, slacks, always ask for the hanger. You can cut the little clips out away from the plastic hanger and then smooth any rough spots with sandpaper and you have some of the best, strongest clips for your chip bag, bulk cereal bags, etc.


Whit and brown dog.

Petey (Jack Russell/Pointer Mix)Petey is a 1 1/2 yrs. old mix between a Jack Russell and a Pointer. Petey came from Petco. We got him when he was just 3 months old.


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Vinegar to Control Dust and Mold AllergensMy son is 7 and has suffered from asthma and lung problems since birth. When we have been to the hospital before we came home, the doctors gave me a cleaning tip to control dust and mold allergens, (anything that could cause a flare up).


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Label Your Cords to Prevent Pulling Out Wrong OnesBehind my entertainment center you will find a variety of cords running to power bars. Pulling the wrong one when changing something can start a chain reaction of having to reset everything.


Inexpensive Pasta DishesDo you have any family tested, inexpensive pasta dishes to share? Feel free to post your ideas.


Oatmeal with bananas for hungry teens

Saving Money While Feeding Active TeensMy teenage son swims at least 25 hours a week, and usually rides his bicycle the 5+ miles each way back and forth to practice. At 6 foot tall and 200 lbs, you can imagine how much our athlete can eat!



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LG Cell Phones Recall?Have anyone heard of a recall of cell phones made by LG?


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Applebee's Hot Spinach and Artichoke Dip?Does anyone have a good recipe for creamed spinach like that served in restaurants, particularly Applebee's. Theirs is the only spinach my daughter will eat.


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Drainage Problems in My Back Yard?I have a retaining wall in my back yard because my yard is a few inches higher that the house level. This is my first winter in this house. In a corner of my yard is a low spot. Due to the retaining wall the water cannot drain.


pile of beans

Saving Money on Beans?Tips and ideas for saving money on beans as suggested by the ThriftyFun community. Post your own ideas here.


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Reed Diffuser Oils?Does anyone know what kind of oil is used in the reed diffuser bottles? I've found sets, but would like to refill the bottles with the bamboo reeds already in them. My oil ran out. Can I use Potpourri oil, or something similar? Thanks.


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Reporting Fraudulent Emails?I received an email (yahoo account) asking me to update my bank account with a bank that I don't have an account with. As a matter of fact I think they (bank) went out of business. Who do I report it to and how do I forward the email without opening the content?


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Decorating with Wine Bottles?I would like ideas on wine bottle decorations.


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Sour Dough Starter is Runny?My Sour Dough Starter has a very thin, runny consistency. Is that the way it should be? I thought it would be thicker. Is there anything I can do to save it?


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Homemade Remedies for Feminine Dryness?What is a good homemade remedy for a 50ish woman and feminine dryness? Thanks


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Overflowing Toilet?My toilets started overflowing after Roto-Rooter can out.


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Cleaning Food Off of a Grill Grate?What is the best way to remove food from a grill grate? I heard something about putting it in a garbage bag with ammonia overnight.


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Removing Nail Polish Stain from Berber Carpet?How do I remove dark blue nail polish that spilled all over my beige Berber carpet?


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Yorkie Smells Really Bad?I have a Yorkie dog that emits a terrible odor even after bathing her. Please tell me what I can get for her?


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Tips for House Cleaning Business?I am wondering if there are others who clean offices or homes for a living and what tips you can offer. Such as time savers, tried and true materials (even out of the ordinary), safe cleaners, your overall "go to" tactics, what cleaners or tools you always have on hand, your routine upon entering the offices or houses, etc.


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Problems with a Tongue Piercing?I have a tongue piercing and next to it there is a hard ball piece of skin. WHat can it be?


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Thawing Shrimp?How do you thaw shrimp?


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Geranium Leaves Turning Yellow?I am having trouble with my Geraniums. What am I doing wrong? About mid season the leaves start looking wilted and turn yellow. Am I not watering enough or too much?


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Cleaning Laminate Cabinets?What is best for cleaning laminate kitchen cabinets?


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Squeakers for Dog Toys?I would like to make my dog's toys but I need the round squeaker that goes inside them. Does anyone know where I can get these?


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Shih Tzu Puppy Bites?I have a Shih Tzu dog who is 15 months old and he bites. You can not take anything from him as he growls and then bites. I have little grandchildren and I am afraid he will bite one of them. He is loved by everyone, and has no reason to bite.


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Crocheted Poncho Pattern?Does anyone have an old pattern for making ponchos that came out in the 60s? They tied at the top and were knitted or crocheted.


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Growing Vegetables in an Apartment?I would like to know if there is any way that I can raise some vegetables especially tomato plants this summer? My husband and I live in a small second floor apartment with no porch or yard. Any help would be appreciated.


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