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Fudge Pecan PieMelt chocolate and margarine together, add sugar and flour. Add eggs and vanilla, beaten together. Add pecans. Pour into unbaked pie crust. Place in cold oven. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes.
Chicken CurryMix all ingredients together. Cook together in covered pot over low heat for 30 minutes or until chicken is tender. If additional liquid is desired, add a little water or yogurt.
Hot PunchPut liquids into 30 cup percolator and in basket place remaining ingredients. Put through the perk cycle. Serve piping hot.
Flounder Fillets in FoilTo make the mushroom sauce, begin by lightly spraying a nonstick skillet with vegetable oil. Place over medium heat, add margarine, green onions and saute until soft. Add mushrooms and cook 5 minutes.
Butter Sugar CookiesSift together flour, baking powder, soda and nutmeg in mixing bowl. Cut in butter to make crumbly, like pie crust. Beat eggs; add sugar, milk and vanilla. Add to flour mixture. Mix; roll on floured board; sprinkle with sugar, and bake at 400 degrees F.
Leftover Potato CasseroleMash potatoes with cream cheese until smooth; add remaining ingredients. Place in buttered 2 qt. casserole dish. Bake, uncovered, 45 minutes in 350 degrees F oven.
Frozen Banana Orange Push-upsPeel and slice bananas in a blender or the work bowl of a food processor fitted with a metal blade. Add remaining ingredients. Cover and process until foamy. Pour evenly into 6 small paper cups and freeze.
Plastic Page Protectors to Store PatternsI have found plastic document protectors work great for my patterns. You can xerox a favorite pattern, put it in a document protector, and then organize them in a binder.
Use a Denture Brush for Kitchen ScrubbingKeep a denture brush in the kitchen for when you wash dishes. The stiffer bristles help clean in between spatulas and hard to get at places.
Recycled Lid Bugs and Bug Houses"Crafternoon" boredom buster for the kids. We saved the lids from water bottles and soda-which should be removed for recycling, in case you didn't know this already. We hot glued two lids together to create play "Buggies" for "Bugville".
Mix Styling Gel With Leave-in ConditionerIf you like to use hair gel or styling glaze but don't like the way it dries out your hair, simply mix it with leave-in hair conditioner prior to applying it. The hold is still great, but your hair gets a healthy dose of conditioner, too! No more dry ends!
Graphic Design AfghanAbout 15 years ago, I designed an afghan based on a design that my mom used to draw for me. It was three lines in four different directions, with oval lines that connected them.
Craft Project: Snack Pack PurseLittle girls purse made from snack packs.
Hermes The CatHermes is a 1 year old street cat. We live in the country and someone had dropped him off in the night. He jumped into my truck when I was on my way to work at 4:30 in the morning and we've had him ever since.
My Frugal Life: Freezing MeatI was told about ThriftyFun by a friend of mine and have thanked her several times for sending me the connection to this site.
Free Cake from a Culinary ClassCall a local technical college. If they offer a culinary class, they may make a cake or other dessert for you for a nominal fee or for free as practice for their students.
Indulge in a Snack MealMy children have always enjoyed snacks and would gladly eat them for a meal if I would allow it. Occasionally I do indulge them in a snack lunch or dinner and they think they are really getting a big treat!
Combining Coupons and Store RebatesWhen stocking up for toiletries, I find Rite Aid to be a good store. They have all these rebate sales, where the product ends up being free (or close to it).
Use Your Cell Phone in the House to Call for HelpI crushed my ankle and it required surgery and prevented me from climbing stairs. If I needed help to get up in the night or needed meds, I used my cell phone to call our ground phone. This awakened hubby (he actually cooked up this idea) and he came down to help.
Black Marks on a Glass Stovetop?I have black marks on a glass stovetop. How do I remove them?
Cleaning an Electric Iron?I have an ironing press that is stained on the top plate. How do I clean it?
Homemade Chicken Feeders?Any ideas for homemade chicken feeders and waterers?
What is the Title of This Movie?Does anyone know of a movie where there is a crazy shape-shifting guy who is obsessed with this girl and near the end he yells at the girl "Tell me you love me, I won't tell anyone!" I know it's weird but it's really bugging me.
Cat Urine Smell on Carpet?How do you get cat urine smell out of a carpet?
Blueberry Juice Recipe?My doctor wants me to stay on a low sugar daily diet because of high cholesterol. I searched the health food section of my local grocery store and was going to purchase a bottle of pure blueberry juice, no sugar added. What really stopped me was the price for such a small bottle.
Instant Pudding Came Out Runny?I tried making some Jello brand instant pudding, and instead of whole milk I used non-fat milk. I also used 1 1/2 cups of milk instead of the suggested 2 cups of milk. It turned out extremely runny, and I had to throw it out. Why did this happen?
Am I Damaging My Porcelain Sinks?Does anybody know if porcelain is supposed to have a dull, white finish or a gloss white almost glass feel to it? Just trying to figure out if I'm taking the outer protective layer off of my sinks.
Sink Drain Gurgles?My kitchen drain gurgles after the water has gone down even though it is not slow or backed up. Any thoughts as to why? I run baking soda and vinegar down it usually once a week.
Measuring Cup for Creative Pasta Express X500?Does anyone know where I can find a measuring cup that came with the Creative Pasta Express X500? Thanks.
Using Old Oil Can for Olive Oil?Can an old fashioned squirt oil can, or the ones with the squeeze handle on them, be cleaned so that we can use one for applying olive oil to salads, etc.? Please explain how to clean them because, I'm both a kitchen hazard and Ms. Fix-it! Thank you very much.
Cooking with Almond Milk?I have been given about 10 containers of almond milk. Can I cook regular pudding, etc. with it? I tasted it and I guess it will be OK in coffee or hot chocolate but I don't think I will drink it.
Transplanting Daffodil Bulbs?About 18 years ago I planted daffodils around new house. My crepe myrtles have matured into trees so the bulbs are in shaded areas now. I noticed that this week one clump is blooming profusely but most others have one or no blooms.
Cat is Peeing on the Bed?My cat pees on the sofa or the bed when he gets cross with my husband. How can I get him to stop?
Lupini Beans?I love lupini beans! I used to be able to buy them dried at local stores but can't find them anymore. Does anyone know where I can buy them? They are so delicious after you cook and soak them salted for several days. They remind me of nuts.
Make a Family Calendar?I'm working on making a family calendar for our huge family for Christmas. I would like to find one I can do for free and insert photos and dates.
Spots Appearing on Carpets?I am seeing some small brown stains on my carpet. Initially I started seeing them on the basement carpet. I don't have a finished basement. I just carpeted the basement floor so that kids can play on it. I do not think they are mold stains as the house is only 4 years old and never had a leak anywhere in the house or a damp floor.
Color Stains Out of Other Colored Clothes?I just washed all of my baby's clothes. However, the color bled into all the others and they have turned bluish/reddish. Can anyone please suggest a way of getting them back to their original colors?