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Saying Goodbye to a Paradise: The...We found Steinhatchee quite by accident. We owned land right on the Suwanee River just outside Old Town and someone told us about a seafood restaurant in Steinhatchee.
Luau Party Ideas?What are some ideas for a luau party for teen boys and girls? I need help.
Canning Your Homemade Soup?I had heard when canning homemade soup you just need to cook it like you are going to serve it, then fill the jars and turn them upside down. Does this work to create a proper seal?
Keeping Meat that Defrosted?My freezer was left open and some of the meat was thawed. Mostly what was on the door, including hamburger and pork sausage. What can I do?
Freezing Blueberries?How do you freeze fresh blueberries and for how long will they keep?
Growing Cantaloupe?This is the first year I've planted cantaloupe. Do they start out green and then turn to tan? I have several about 8 in. in diameter.
Grease Coming Out of Bathroom Faucet?What causes grease balls to come from bathroom faucet?
Freezing Hot Peppers?Can jalapeno peppers be frozen?
Freezing Summer Squash?Do you remove the seeds and the insides of the zucchini to freeze it? I don't know if you have to peel it and remove the seeds and such, or what you have to do to it to get it ready for the freezer.
Tree Sap on a Car?Can anyone tell me how to safely remove tree sap from my car's finish?
Natural Chipmunk Repellent?We have a chipmunk living under our slab foundation. We have tried everything to get rid of it, chemicals that smell like foxes' urine and gasoline down the hole. We need help?
Housebreaking a Miniature Pincher?How do I get my Minpin, Sugar Bear house broken?
Cleaning Sticky Residue from a Mirror?How do I clean tape residue off mirrors? Tape was used on the mirrors in china cabinet. The tape was removed, but residue remains.
Remedies for Bug Bites?I have bug bites on my legs. Is there any way to clear them up in a couple days?
Tomato Leaves Turning Yellow and Fruit Rotting on Bottom?Can you plant too many tomato plants in a given area? If so, how should they be spaced? Our plants are turning yellow from the ground up and the tomatoes are rotting on the undersides. Please can you help?
Zucchini Plant Not Producing Fruit?I have a few zucchini plants that are not producing fruit. They all look very healthy, big, tall, and keep extending their territories. All have lots of flowers, but the female flowers wilted before they bloom.
Choosing Paint Colors for the Ceiling?I need some advice regarding my kitchen ceiling which has become stained due to cigarette smoke and cooking. My kitchen isn't very large and has light oak cabinets and cream colored walls. It leads off into the sitting area where there is a large french window.
Unclogging a Sink?How do you unplug a plugged up sink?
Removing a Stuck Light Bulb?How do I remove a light bulb stuck in the ceiling socket?
Transplanting Maple Tree Seedlings?I've been doing some research and your article on "How to Transplant Trees" has given me a glimpse of hope with a maple tree I just attempted to transplant. I'm in the midst of green leaves turning brown and dry. There are hardly any green leaves left.
Cat Digging in House Plants?How do you keep cats from digging house plants?
Cleaning My George Foreman Grill?How do we clean a George Foreman indoor grill? A sponge came with it, but it does nothing for cleaning up the grill after using. Thanks for any help.
Finding Inexpensive Weddings Supplies?Where can I find discounted or used wedding supplies? We're doing our wedding on a tight budget, but I have some hopes for simple elegance as well. I don't want things looking cheap or cheesy.
Manual for a Coronado Sewing Machine (Model 05n5 45 4501)?I am looking for a manual for the Coronado sewing machine model 05n5 45 4501. If you can help please email me. Thank you.
Bleaching Colored Clothing White?I have this pink skirt that I hate, but my friend needs a skirt for a costume she's making. However, she needs a white skirt, not pink. How do I dye/bleach the skirt white?
Attaching Shells to Mirrors?I need to know what type of adhesive to use for securing shells to the frame of a mirror. I am interested, especially for making large projects. I read about PVA wood glue, and even plaster of Paris and non-acidic adhesives.
Appraising a Vermont American Furniture Corp. Bedroom Set?I have bedroom set made by Vermont American Furniture Corp. It is from 1950. What do you think it's worth?
Brown Paper Bag Wall Treatment?Can you use construction paper or even a wallpaper picked up at a thrift store for brown bag wall treatment? I can't find colored paper, only mauve and brown. I want green. What bond paper is acceptable.
Meanings of Colors?Where do I find the meaning of the colors of a rainbow?
Washing Fruits and Vegetables?What is the latest guidelines about washing fruits and vegetables before using?