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Homemade Body Butter RecipesThis page contains homemade body butter recipes. Creating your own personal body products can be fun and save you money.
Saving Money on CandlesThis page is about saving money on candles. If you know where to buy them, these wonderful lights don't have to be expensive.
Baking PoultryThis page is about baking poultry. Depending what kind of bird you are roasting there are a few things to keep in mind to retain the moisture.
Making Kitchen Appliance CoversThis page is about making kitchen appliance covers. A small appliance can be kept clean and attractive by adding a covering.
Storing Root CropsThis page is about storing root crops.Enjoying your garden bounty all winter can be accomplished by proper storage.
Removing Corn From the CobThis page is about removing corn from the cob. Knowing how best to get the corn off the cob reduces waste and saves time.
Planning A Vegetable GardenThis page is about planning a vegetable garden. A well thought out plan will give you a head start on a successful garden.
Uses for Clip HangersThis page contains uses for clip hangers. Clothes hangers with clips can be used in a variety of ways around the house.
Making Garlic PowderThis page is about making garlic powder. It is convenient to have garlic available in powder form.
Ginger Tea RecipesThis page contains ginger tea recipes. A cup of ginger tea is healthy and can aid digestion.
Transplanting SeedlingsThis page is about transplanting seedlings. These delicate plants require special care to make sure they thrive.
Shoe Box Locker Organizer (Video)My daughter found this video on youtube. It is about how to turn a shoebox lid into a locker organizer with duct tape, a glue gun, and some small wine cork.
Italian Sausage Flavored TurkeyI like Italian sausage cooked with bell peppers and onions. I had to find a healthy way to reduce cholesterol, avoid grease, and I am trying to avoid beef, therefore I use ground turkey or Morningstar Farms meatless products.
Ice Cream Balls with Chocolate SauceMake balls out of ice cream, Roll them into crushed cookies, and top with a cherry. Freeze these. Then put the following homemade sauce on them at time of serving (or chocolate syrup)
Infrared Zone Heating SystemBefore ordering this product, I did a lot of research and one of the main reasons I like it is, because it costs hardly anything to run and our home heater isn't working as hard. Besides heating up our den, it also heats up the kitchen and is now the warmest room in the entire house.
Nutmeg (Cat)Nutmeg, he is so cute and affectionate, and laid back. He is on my Christmas present and is patiently waiting for me to fill the aquarium with water and fish! I hope he will enjoy looking at the fish as much as I will.
Reuse Pump Bottles with VinegarI keep my large Germ X bottles or even the small ones. I fill one of the large ones with dish soap and keep it by the sink. I have another one I fill with white vinegar.
Pretty Personalized Recycled ContainersI gather together appropriate recycle-worthy containers, and, with an inexpensive roll of yard sale or thrift store wallpaper, one can turn such containers into a darling variety of matching holders of whatever you want!
Use Plastic Caps As LuminariesAir freshener dispensers and some laundry products have colorful caps. One way of reusing them is to use as luminaries or candle holders.
Sub-irrigated Planter From Recycled MaterialsThis is my original concept. It is perfect for growing smaller garden plants like lettuce, etc. I hope you like it.
Sage Advice for 2013So, here is my sage advice for 2013. Let everyone you love know it, even if it isn't returned. It means a lot. And for those who know it already, it means everything.
Work when you can and save like you won't have a job tomorrow. For some of us, that might be the case.
Save Christmas Card EnvelopesI fold all my Christmas card evelopes, which have a return address on them, and tie them together with a pretty ribbon or a piece of yarn.
Black-Themed vs. White-Themed New Year's Eve PartyI can't imagine giving any type of party, where the guests, decorations, etc. are all white. It would remind me of the child dressed in their very best clothes and told to go play but not get dirty.
Getting Rid of Japanese Beetles?I would like to know how to kill Japanese beetles.
Acer Tree (Maple) Lost Leaves?I have got an Acer tree and it has lost all of it's leaves. Will they grow back or have I lost it?
Early 90s Weight Watchers Program?I am looking for info on the Weight Watchers program from the early 90s, the one where you eat so many servings of protein, milk, fats, starches, and vegetables. If anyone could help me locate these materials I would appreciate it.
Good Dog for Kids?I have 2 granddaughters, ages 4 and 5, and several cats. I lost my German Shepherd to old age last year and am wanting to get another dog. I am looking for advice on a really good breed that likes children and cats. Any suggestions?
Keeping Cats off Kitchen Table?I have a kitten and mama cat that are really good pets. If they scratch the furniture or rugs, I can stop them by spraying water from a spray bottle.
Using Coffee Grounds in the Garden?What are some good uses for coffee grounds in the garden?
Recipes Using Cherry Cordial Candies?Family has given us three boxes of cheap chocolate-covered cherries, also known as cherry cordials. You know, the ones sold at Christmas time in an oblong box, with several candies inside nestled in two plastic trays.
Cleaning a Dooney Bag?In searching the internet I came across you. Your post for cleaning those popular purses says that they can look great again with proper cleaning, but you don't mention which of the UGG products works on the purse. Please let me know. I would be interested in trying the product. Thank you.
Finches Not Sitting on Eggs?I have two pair of finches. One pair laid two eggs four days ago and are not sitting on the eggs. What should I do?
Dyeing Bleach Spots on Sweats?I put bleach in the washer with my grey cotton sweat suit and now I have bleach spots on the sweat suit. How do I dye my cotton sweat suit to one color?
What can I Bake with These Ingredients?I have eggs, vanilla extract, flour, and brown and white sugar.
Growing a Honey Crisp Apple Tree?How do you get a honey crisp apple tree to bear fruit?
Organizing Winter Clothing Without a Closet?I would like to know how and where to put winter coats and overalls, without a closet for a family of 5.
Value of Encylopedia Britannica - 1883?We have a complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica published in 1883. How much do you think they may be worth? They are in good condition.
Grants to Pay Taxes for Seniors?Last year we were forced to retire from our business and were left with approximately $9000 in business taxes and about $7000 in bills. My husband is 73 and fighting cancer. I am 71.
Giving Pets Meds?What tricks can be used to give finicky pets medications?
Should dishwasher or expensive rack be replaced?The bottom rack of our dishwasher has so many rusted and broken spindles(?). We were wondering if it would make more sense to buy a new dishwasher or an expensive rack? There is only about 1/2 of the bottom rack space to use.Thank you.
Keeping Cats From Pooping in the Yard?What will keep cats from messing in my yard? I have tried the repellents, I have tried home remedies such as, chili pepper, moth balls, and so many things I can't recall). What else can I do?
Canning Ham?I've pressure canned pork, beef, and chicken. I am wondering how to can ham from the grocery store?
House Trained Puppy Pooping in New House?I have a 6 month old female brindle Pit Bull, she just moved in about 3 days ago and was previously housebroken. She has been pooping in the house and I'm unsure of what to do. We don't have a crate for her, but she sleeps in the laundry room on a comforter. Please help!
Freezing American Cheese?I know, American cheese is not a true cheese; however, my sister split a large quantity that was bought at Costco and it is too much for hubby and I to use in the near future. They are slices, but they not individually wrapped. Can they be frozen?
Ideas for Games and Activities at 17th Birthday Party?I'm having a 17th birthday party in like 2 weeks. We've rented a place and I'm inviting a lot of people both boys and girls. Of course there is gonna be snacks and music and dancing, but I need some game ideas or something we could all do so that people don't get bored or think my party is lame.
Shopping for Kraft Olive Pimento Cheese Spread?I have to have it. I have lived in Wisconsin all my life and bought it there, however, suddenly it wasn't there. I have now moved to Washigton DC and cannot find it. Any suggestions? I don't want a recipe.
Recipe for Kiwi and Apricot Jam?Does anyone have a good recipe for kiwifruit with apricot jam? I think the two fruits would complement each other. I have an abundance of apricots and will purchase kiwifruit as they are cheap at this time of year in Melbourne, if you have a good recipe.Thanx.