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Crispy Carrot TopsThis page contains carrot tops recipes. Don't waste or compost those carrot tops. You can quickly and easily make them into a delicious crispy topping for other dishes.
Growing BrassicasThis is a page about growing brassicas. The plants in this genus are members of the mustard family and include, cabbage, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower.
Homemade Wool Dryer BallsThis is a page about homemade wool dryer balls. Rather than buy dryer balls, try making your own using wool yarn.
Eyedrops or Supplements That...This is a page about eyedrops or supplements that improve vision. There are products on the market that are intended to temporarily improve vision.
Dealing With a Physically Abusive...This is a page about dealing with a physically abusive husband. Sadly some relationships devolve into ones where verbal abuse leads to physical violence.
Introducing Your Dog to Visiting Dogs?This is a page about introducing your dog to visiting dogs. Taking the time to introduce your dog to a visiting one will help smooth out the encounter.
Yummiest Microwave OmeletI have been seeing the "Plastic Bag Omelet" on many websites lately. That may be a great idea when you need to make an omelet whilst camping. You only have a pot of boiling water and 20 minutes, but it's my personal choice not to boil my foods in plastics. If you are looking to make an omelet without oil or butter and only have a few minutes, this microwave omelet is your answer!
Crispy Peanut Butter BarsThis recipe is supposed to taste like Butterfinger candy bars. It's very close but a little softer than the candy. They are delicious. Everyone loved them. There are only 4 ingredients to this candy. Super quick and easy!
Making a Baking Soda Snowman?Where can I get the instructions? I need them.
What Is This House Plant?My aunt gave me a lovely piece of this house plant to grow as my own. Her's is huge and she's had it for years, but neither of us know what it is. Can you identify and would you be able to tell me how to start growing my own with this piece?
Getting Hair Back to Natural Color After Dyeing?I got my hair colored 5 days ago and I totally hate it. I asked for some caramel streaks, but she gave me some shitty brown streaks. They are not even streaks, she just colored my entire bottom part of the hair. I was wondering, can I color my hair black to get my natural looking hair back?