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How to Clean Rotten Crabmeat Smell in a Cabinet?An exploded or leaking can of crabmeat can create a horrible odor in your kitchen cabinet. This is a page about how to clean a rotten crabmeat smell in a cabinet.
High Protein Flourless Cheesy BreadsticksThe surprise ingredient in these delicious flourless cheesy breadsticks is ground chicken. This is a page about how to make high protein flourless cheesy breadsticks.
How to Store Rubber Backed Rugs?The backing on throw rugs can deteriorate over time. Proper storage can help slow this process down. This is a page about storing rubber backed rugs.
Great Pyrenees PhotosThese very large, gentle, and affectionate dogs were bred to guard livestock. Their disposition makes them good pets, as well. This page contains Great Pyrenees photos.
Low Protein Dog Food RecipesIf your vet has recommended a low protein diet for your dog, you can either purchase commercial food or make your own. This page contains low protein dog food recipes.
Freezing Whole TomatoesYou can cut down the preparation time for freezing your garden tomatoes by freezing them whole. This is a page about freezing whole tomatoes.
Value of Antique Craftsman Reel Mowers?Older reel mowers may have some antique value for a collector or for someone who likes to use antique equipment. This is a page about the value of antique Craftsman reel mowers.
Refrigerator Pops RecipesMake cool, tasty frozen pops using yogurt and fresh fruit. This page contains refrigerator pops recipes.
Tofu, Greens, and Raisins RecipeMake this delicious side dish with tofu, your favorite greens, and then top with sweet raisins. This page contains a tofu, greens, and raisins recipe.
Plant Your Tomato in a Recycled Washing Machine TubAwhile back I did the watering for my next door neighbors while they were out of town. I noticed that their tomato plants were growing in washing machine tubs. What a good idea!
Wheel Locks for Car TiresWheel locks are to help prevent or delay thieves from attempting to steal your tires or rims. It also provides a little sense of security, especially if you just purchased new tires or expensive rims.
Crocheted Hanging Dish TowelsWhen I was a young girl my aunt always had one of these hanging on the stove and fridge. I use the whole towel; some like to cut it in half, but it looks nice with the whole towel. I only use 100% cotton yarn. I use Sugar and Cream crochet thread.
Making A Solar Outdoor ChandelierI found this great shabby chic chandelier at Goodwill. I have been on a search for one for a while. I love the look, and it will go well with my outdoor space. With a little paint and and solar lights this will become a functional and decorative piece for my outdoor garden.
Garlic Basil Spinach ShellsThis meal screams "garlic and basil". Wow! Any Italian food lovers dream come true.
Wrapped Chocolate Party FavorTurn an ordinary pack of Ferrero Raffaello chocolates into a delicate little party favor. This party favor will be great for a ladies' tea party, and can also be used as a small gift for a kitchen tea or baby shower. Here is how to make this party favor.
Delicate Rose PetalsRose petals are a delicacy for Spring and Summer. The velvety petals stuns the sun to shine through the trees upon the delicate rose bush casting a heavenly haze on the rosebuds that open up into the glamour of the rose as the petals open up in the sunshine.
What Kind of Geranium Is This?I have an odd geranium that takes a while to flower. The petals are like little roses. Anyone know what kind of geranium this is?
Easy Christmas Crochet Projects?Does anyone know of an easy Christmas projects for beginner in crochet?
Identifying Markings on Porcelain Dolls?What do these markings mean?
What Is This Houseplant?I received an indoor plant 2 years ago and I have never been able to work out what it is. The photo is of some new growth that I separated last week. The original plant that these came from is probably half a meter tall.
What Is This Houseplant?I bought this plant a little while back and want to know what it was. I don't know where it originates from, or anything about it. Does anyone know what the species is?
Identifying a Flying Burrowing Insect?I have a flying bug in my front yard that resembles a bee, but is much bigger. It has dug 2 big holes at the edge of my grass. One hole has a mound of sand next to it. The other has a channel of sand. I don't know if they are dangerous. This is right next to my walk way.
Selling Porcelain Dolls?I have 7 porcelain dolls. I am not at all familiar with dolls. I'm curious as to value as I would like to sell them. I'm not looking to make a fortune, would just like to offer a fair price.
Daycare Slogan Ideas?I have a daycare named Kiddie Kollege Learning Center. I need a phase or slogan to go with it.
Donating Fabric?I'm the caregiver for my mom who has dementia. She was a seamstress and has a lot of fabric. I have 27 bins of fabric mostly cut into 3 yard pieces. How do I donate it?
Craftsman Riding Mower Not Running Properly?I have a Craftman lawn mower with a Briggs and Stratton engine. It starts and runs fine, but when you put the deck on, it dies. Any suggestions on what might be the cause?
Craftsman Riding Mower Dies When Clutch Engaged?My Craftsman riding mower runs, but when you push the clutch in, the motor dies. What is the cause?
Finding Someone to Cut Trees for the Lumber?Do you know of anyone that cuts trees for the wood in south Louisiana?
Removing Cigarette Smell from Home?How can I remove cigarette smoke smell from my home? A smoker visited and had it on their clothes.
Identifying a Houseplant?I am just wondering what type of plant this is and how best to care for it! It is a pink flowering office plant.