
March 8, 2019

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Ice Cream Bucket Frog Totem

Making an Ice Cream Bucket Frog TotemWhen children study certain Native American cultures or read books influenced by native traditions they often create crafts as part of the lesson. This is a page about making an ice cream bucket frog totem.


Recycled Cork Thread Dispenser and a Candle Holder - finished thread spool holder

Making a Cork Thread Dispenser/Candle HolderWine corks are used in a wide variety of crafts. This page contains two projects utilizing them. You can make a cute thread dispenser or a decorative candle holder.


Painting Decorative Indoor/Outdoor Signs

Painting Decorative Indoor/Outdoor SignsBuying decorative garden or indoor metal signs can be not only expensive, but you may also not be able to find one with just the sentiment you are looking for. One solution is to make your own. This page offers a detailed project with photos for painting your own unique indoor/outdoor signs.


Pot of Golden Treats - ready to share on St. Patrick's Day

Making a Pot of Golden Treats for St. Patrick's DayThis St. Patrick's Day craft is fun to make and then, there is the chocolate for later. This is a page about making a pot of golden treats for St. Patrick's Day.


Repurposing a Candy Box Into Shadow Boxes - tea service example

Repurposing a Candy Box Into Shadow BoxesShadow boxes are a great way to display treasured collectibles. You can of course buy them, but why not consider using a sturdy recycled candy box and create your own unique display. This is a page about repurposing a candy box into shadow boxes.


The face of a grandfather clock.

Determining the Value of a Grandfather Clock?As with many vintage and antique pieces, the value of a grandfather clock depends on a number of factors, including age, rarity, appearance, mechanical soundness, etc. This page offers some good advice on how to find the value of a grandfather clock, as well as, a detailed list of attributes and demand that will need to be considered in determining its value.


Easter basket made from wooden craft sticks.

Making a Craft Stick Easter BasketWooden craft sticks, tongue depressors, or Popsicle sticks can be used to make these sturdy baskets. It's a great project to do with kids for the Easter Bunny. This is a page about making a craft stick Easter basket.


Use Lipstick Cap as Thimble - clear plastic cap over finger

Use a Lipstick Cap as a ThimbleThe plastic caps from lipstick tubes and other small round containers can be repurposed in a number of ways. This page suggests using a lipstick cap as a thimble.


Using a towel to help the dog with the fear of the gap between boat and dock.

Getting Your Dog to Cross a Gap onto a BoatThe gap between the dock and your boat may cause concern for you dog when she is asked to climb aboard. This page offers a simple solution to getting your dog to cross a gap onto a boat.


A pigeon sitting on eggs in gravel.

Moving a Pigeon Egg?Sometimes birds will choose a nesting site that is dangerous for their eggs or simply in the wrong spot around your home. Some research can help to successfully move the nest and egg(s) and prevent similar nesting in the future. This page offers some helpful suggestions for moving a pigeon egg.


Pinecone Chicks

How to Make Pinecone ChicksIt is so much fun to see what you can create using pinecones. Try this fun spring and Easter decorative craft and make these cute chicks.


Fluttering Butterflies Greeting Card - decorate the wings

Making a Fluttering Butterflies Greeting CardDelicate butterflies are a common theme in craft projects. Make this lovely card, decorated with dimensional butterflies, using your choice of colored paper. This fluttering butterflies greeting card is a project you can also work on with your children.



Easy Pom Pom Finger Puppet - finger puppet

Easy Pom Pom Finger PuppetWith simple supplies that you probably already have laying around at home, you too can make this easy finger puppet. Your child will have lots of fun with this puppet too!


bowl of  Oat and Vegetable Soup

Toasted Oat and Vegetable SoupThis is a great way to bring out the nutty flavours of oatmeal before thickening up your vegetable soup. This soup was so incredibly delicious, ready pretty quickly, and cost just a few bucks to feed 6 of us. You can use chicken, beef, or vegetable stock with this.


Making a Watermelon Card from Round Labels - finished card

Making a Watermelon Card from Round LabelsThis is a super cute melon-themed card where the watermelons are simply made from pieces of round office labels. Add a bit of matching glitter glue to the fruit to make them appear juicy!


Tin Can Craft Supply Organizer - finished organizer with lids to tilt it back a bit

Tin Can Craft Supply OrganizerI have been washing and saving veggie and fruit cans for about a week. The time came last night to finally do something with them. This was what came of it.



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Garnishing SSDI for Child Support?Does anyone know how long it takes when a SSDI check is garnished for the custodial parent to receive the funds? My ex got his back pay from disability over 2 weeks ago. I have an income withholding order in place from the court. He told me they did take the money out, but I haven't received it yet. I was told the US Treasury sends it to child support and they send it within 2 days from there.


Value of a Collectible Memories Porcelain Doll - doll in pink drop waist period dress with matching hat

Value of a Collectible Memories Porcelain Doll?I got this doll from my great grandma. I can't find any information on Karen. Is she rare? Any info would be great. She is still in the original box with the Kmart tag still on the bottom.


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Value of a Seymour Mann Porcelain Doll?I have a Bernadette doll. What's it worth or can someone tell me more about her.


Using Mint as a Natural Pesticide - lemon tree in a pot inside

Using Mint as a Natural Pesticide?I have just been reading an old post regarding using mint as a spray to deter bugs on plants. I have a lemon tree in a large potato tub, but it keeps getting aphids under the leaves along the seam of the leaf which takes all the goodness out of the plant until it drops its leaves.


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