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Reusing Embroidery From Old Shirts?Tips for reusing embroidery from worn out clothing. Post your own ideas here.
Halloween Costume: Measuring TapeHere is a photo of my son-in-law's Halloween costume. All hand made with cardboard, metal, plastics, etc. He always wins with his unique costumes.
Making a Peg Leg for a Pirate Costume?I'm making a pirate movie and I need a realistic non-cheezy peg leg. Can someone help me out?
"Bingo Dauber" Halloween Costume?How do I make a Halloween costume for a bingo dauber?
Adult "Christmas Story" Bunny Costume Pattern?Where can I find a free adult bunny costume pattern? I want one kind of like the one from "A Christmas Story" that Ralphie received as a gift.
Halloween Costumes For Big People?My husband and I are of "generous proportion", any ideas for Halloween costumes for big people? Much appreciated, thanks. =)
Halloween Party Ideas for 13 Year Olds?I was wanting to know some good ideas on how to throw a good scary, Halloween party for my 13 year old daughter.
Making a Fin on a Fish Costume?Do you have any idea how I can make a fish fin on a little girl's back for a VBS costume?
Support For Foam Halloween Decorations?We have foam Halloween gravestones that have fallen over in the wind. They came with metal stakes, which have busted. My husband poked nails in them, but the wind still knocked them over. Does anyone have any ideas about bracing the gravestones so the foam doesn't break apart? Thanks!
Button Candy Corn OrnamentMake these cute Button Candy Corn ornaments to put on a mini Halloween tree.
Holiday Craft Ideas For Fourth Grade?This year I am homeroom mother for fourth graders. Really need some game/craft suggestions for upcoming Halloween party.
Halloween: Box O' Popcorn CostumeI took a box, painted it white. Then I painted red stripes, leaving a spot to make the circle (I used a pan lid to make the circle.) I cut holes out for his head and arms (cut the flaps off the open end of the box where the legs come out).
Soda Can Costume?I am looking for a pattern or idea to make a group Halloween costume. We want to go as a six pack of soda. We are thinking of using thick foam for the can and lid, but have no idea what to use for the plastic rings.
Keeping Animals from Eating Pumpkin Decorations?How do I keep squirrels from eating my pumpkins? They are eating my decorative pumpkins.
Halloween Concession Food Ideas?I own a food concession company and this year we'll be setting up at a local Haunted House for the month of October. I have a few ideas, but would love some more feedback. Any ideas on some spooky fun Halloween concession foods?
How To Make King Size Pom Pom Blankets?I am trying to learn how to make the king size pom pom blankets and build the frame. Is there anyone that would show me how. I am currently not able to work and I think this would be something I could stay busy with
Identifying Wallpaper?I'm trying to locate where I can find more of this wallpaper. I used it about 10 years ago and would like to use again in a bathroom. It's a reproduction wallpaper. Need the pattern name and manufacturer. Thanks
Can I Cut These From My Grapevine?What do you call these things hanging from my grapevine? Can I cut them off now or do I have to wait until the vine is dormant? This is the first year they have been this thick and this long.
Value of Drop Leaf Coffee Table?I have this vintage drop leaf coffee table with leather top on it. It has the number 5142 imprinted underneath as well as a handwritten number 4001.
Information on Watertown Slide Table?Looking for any information on the year of this piece. It was in really rough shape when I picked it up and started the restoration process but can't find another one like it.