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Making Bumble Bees for a Beekeeper Costume?Does any one know how to make bumble bees for a bee keeper costume or where to buy them?
Creepy Dry Ice FlaskThis bubbling Flask decoration is made with food coloring and a little dry ice for fog and the bubbles.
Making Doll "Ghosts" with Starched Linen?Once I saw the cutest little "ghosts" made out of white linen. The person told me they were put into laundry starch then formed over dolls in spooky poses (arms out like they were walking towards you). Very cute.
How Late Do You Hand Out Candy?What time do you "close up shop" and turn off the porch lights for incoming Trick-or-Treaters on Halloween night? We get so few it is hard to tell when it is time. Many thanks.
Child's Greek Goddess Halloween Costume?My niece wants to be a Greek goddess for Halloween, but we don't want to order the costume online because we don't know how it will look. Is there anyplace where we can find a dress, shoes, headband, and accessories like those shown in this photo? She is 12 years old.
Costume Ideas for a Parade?My hometown does a parade every year, and it is a western type community. I need a costume idea for my nine year old niece using a bike. Any ideas?
Making Adult Cry Baby Costume?I need easy ideas for making my own adult cry baby costume, or the adult in the high chair costume.
Child Size Lab Coat?I bought a clown costume for my 3 old but she wants nothing to do with it. She wants to be a doctor. I have everything but the lab coat. Where do I get a lab coat that size (3 yrs) or how can I make it? Thank you in advance.
Voodoo on the Bayou Themed Party?I am planning a Voodoo on the Bayou - Romp in the Swamp party for my daughter's 12th birthday. Any ideas or suggestions would be welcomed. I am going to shy away from the evil aspect of Voodoo, and concentrate on things like "Love Potions", palm reading, etc.
"Ghoul-Ade" For HalloweenMix Kool Aid's together with sugar, in large pitcher. Add water and mix. Just before serving, add ginger ale.
Halloween Princess Party?How can I incorporate Halloween into my 8 year old daughters princess birthday party? Her birthday is right before Halloween and she really wants to do both.
Child's Cherry Costume?For a fancy dress competition a small 3 year old child needs to dress as a cherry. I thought, maybe I could make the costume with some kind of paper or cardboard, or something else. Does anyone have any ideas?
Inexpensive Owl Halloween Costume For 5 Year Old?Looking for ideas to make an inexpensive owl Halloween costume for a 5 year old friend. Thank you.
How To Paint a Child's Face Like Spiderman?Any suggestions out there for how to paint a child's face for Halloween?
Halloween Party Refreshments?I have a request concerning ideas for Halloween parties. I have all the decorations and all planned. I just need some good ideas as far as refreshments are concerned. The more disgusting and gross or creepy the better.
Homemade Fog Machine Fluid?I have a fogger that we use for Halloween. The fogger fluid is kind of expensive. I would like to use it this year but don't want to have to buy that expensive store bought stuff. Does anyone happen to know what it is made of? Thanks in advance!
Costume for Church Play?My church is putting on 'A Night in Bethlehem'. We are all responsible for our costumes. I will be a woman in a Jewish home in Bethlehem at the time of Christs' birth, I need clothing ideas.
Halloween Costumes Made from Things Around the House?I need a Halloween costume for me and my boyfriend for a party. What can I make with stuff I have around the house?
Making a Skirt and Decorating It Like a Christmas Tree?Has anyone made a Christmas tree "skirt" as a joke for a holiday party? Instead of wearing the traditional Christmas sweater, I want to make a skirt out of tulle and then decorate it. I saw a picture somewhere, but can not find anything.
Reindeer Costume for a Child?Where can I find ideas on making a reindeer costume for a child's "tap class"?
Making a Wig for a Costume?For a Halloween costume, I'm looking forward to going as the ghost of Marie Antoinette. My problem is wigs are so expensive. Is there some way I could make something with cheapish materials looking historically accurate?
Globe Costume Idea?I am going to a party entitled "World's Fair" and was thinking of going as a globe. Of course, I don't know if I can pull it off. I was thinking of a hula hoop at my waist/equator. I would use old white bedsheets that I can paint the continents on.
Reinforcing a Costume Helmet?I have a Power Ranger helmet that came with a Power Ranger costume. The helmet is split into two parts, the front and the back, and they attach with Velcro.
Paper QuillingThese can be used to decorate cards or name tags, etc.
Identifying Insect Eggs?Any thoughts on species of these egg pods attached to siding on back porch in North Carolina?
Trunk or Treat Firefighting Theme Ideas?I need a theme ideas for fire for trunk or treat. I have a Ford Bronco and do not know how to decorate it like firefighting.
Costume Ideas for a Parade?My hometown does a parade every year, and it is a western type community. I need a costume idea for my nine year old niece using a bike. Any ideas?
Making a Copy of Lady Gaga's Outfit from Bad Romance Video?I'm open to any suggestions for quickly recreating the outfit Lady Gaga wears with her dancers at the bath haus in the Bad Romance video. I've got snaps, rivets, upholstery thread, and thin white vinyl. I don't have sewing experience or more than a day to get this done.
Orange Troll Ideas For Halloween?Anyone have a good idea for an orange troll for Halloween. I already received the one for a ghost and my grandson thinks it's a great idea. Now my granddaughter wants an orange troll and I haven't a clue where to start. Thanks for any ideas