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Golden and Beddian Birthday?My daughter was born January 23, 2023. Tomorrow she turns 23 on the 23rd in 2023. Is this both a golden and Beddian birthday? How often does this occur? Is there a name for this birthday?
Numerological Age Equals Calendar Year?2023 is a 7 year. This year I turn 52. Which equals 7 as well. I realized that this has always been true - for example, in 1972 I turned 1.
Honey Substitute?I have an allergy to honey, what could I use instead? Thank you
Identifying A Doll?Can anyone ID this doll, please? There is no date of mark on the doll, only the tag.
Value of Book of Knowledge Set (1912)?Long ago, I acquired a set of the Book of Knowledge published in 1912. They are not in good shape, but the contents and beautiful illustrations are very interesting and may be of interest to someone. Since I am retiring and leaving my classroom of 49 years, I cannot keep them (a small house). And I can't find it in myself to throw them away. Question: Have they any value to someone?