
November 13, 2023

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Patchwork Prayer Pouch

Patchwork Prayer PouchUsing little pieces of fabric scraps to make a mini quilt with a pocket that holds a prayer list.



Value of Antique Chifforobe?

Value of Antique Chifforobe?Sadly, I need to sell these family antique items. From the 1920-1930s era. On the chifforobe, the front right leg needs re-enforced. It has the original key that works. Can anyone help me with what is their worth?


Identifying Thrifted Dolls?

Identifying Thrifted Dolls?Hello everyone! Bought these two at a thrift shop today and was wondering if anyone is able to identify their age brand or anything else about them.


Information About Steamer Trunk?

Information About Steamer Trunk?Hi from Romania. I have found and bought this steamer trunk recently. I have tried to find more about its age, manufacturer, and history, but I cant find by research the same model. The only distinctive sign is on the locks. After I have cleaned one of them, it seems the manufacturer is ATKINSON&LONG MFG CO / EVERLASTING LOCK / NEW YORK/ N.Y


Choosing Colors to Coordinate With Gold Curtains?I have deep gold velour curtains, what color rug should I get?


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