
13th Birthday Party Ideas?

My daughter's birthday is on Christmas and she wants to have a hotel party with her friends. She also wants to invite boys! What should I do?


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July 9, 20154 found this helpful
Best Answer

My sister has done plenty of hotel parties. What my mom did was the boys could stay during the day but their parents would have to pick them up before any of the girls went to bed. I hope this helps! :)

October 4, 20160 found this helpful

Ok this sounds really dumb...what is a hotel party? My birthday is coming up next month so I was just wondering what this was

April 5, 20180 found this helpful

Let the boys stay over trust her shes 13

June 20, 20190 found this helpful

The boys can sleep in a different place or room

October 18, 20155 found this helpful
Best Answer

Today is my daughter's 13th birthday, and she requested to invite boys to her sleep-over. I said yes. I think that staying away from all the gender-stereotyping that's so prevalent these days will help my kids to be more confident about being their own, unique selves. Of course, the boys will NOT be sleeping in the same room as the girls, but rather will be spending from 9pm on hanging out in my son's room (or possibly the living room) playing video games until they crash out.


I won't be getting any sleep, but as a parent of 4 children, I'm pretty used to that already!! The girls and I will be doing manicures and mud masks until bedtime.

April 14, 20160 found this helpful

This is an excellent idea

August 24, 20160 found this helpful

A little a exist maybe. As 13 yo girl I'd want to play video games

January 16, 20170 found this helpful

i think you are an awesome mom, but you dont realy need to keep them separated. i know you're worried but i think you should trust your daughter, we 13 year olds are super responsible

May 16, 20180 found this helpful

Yes we are

May 29, 20190 found this helpful

As a thirteen year old, I would NEVER do something bad in a circumstance like that. But I do believe other girls might take it too far, I guess it depends on what your daughter is like, if you don't think she's responsible enough, don't let her do it, put your foot down.


But it you truly trust her, I say do it, it's a wonderful idea to break stereotypes and show your daughter you trust her (if she deserves your trust). Be cautious, it all depends on what your daughter is like.

May 22, 20151 found this helpful

Put you foot down and tell her NO. Whether she likes it or not, she is far too young for that kind of thing.

August 21, 20160 found this helpful

Your not thinking maybe their is A Reason why she wants boys over their is not certain age where a child should want boys over she has a reason and putting ytour foot down does nothing but get annoying let lose have some trust

May 23, 20152 found this helpful

If it were me, after I realized she was serious and stopped laughing, I'd say, "NO". In my opinion, for my family, this would be a ridicules request, and not even considered.


Children (she's still very much a child) need and want boundaries---it's our job as parents to set them and stick to them if we really love our children as we should.

There are many other more acceptable options...tell her to put her imagination to work and come up with some other, reasonable, ideas and you'll consider them.

January 16, 20170 found this helpful

WE ARE 13 NOT 6 YEAR OLDS, if you trust your child let them invite the opposite gender. SERIOUSLY. all you're doing is losing trust and your daughter will just act out.

June 27, 20154 found this helpful

I give this advice as being a 13 year old myself. Its best if you tell her no and explain why. Just tell her she is going to be thirteen and not EIGHTEEN or Twenty. Tell her that if she want a hotel party she cant invite guys but if she is having a party at home or where you can keep an eye on her then it's perfectly ok since I have friends who are guys to but their just friends

November 14, 20150 found this helpful

Being a 13 year old myself, I have been to many parties with boys and girls, some have over 50 people at them. This generation has started earlier so don't listen to any of the comments already said because most of them are adults talking. I'll tell you what most 13 parties are like, you hire out a hall (not a super expensive one, they are about $200) then invite all her friends, boys, girls, team (if she plays sport), basically all her friends (but make boundaries, she shouldn't invite people she does't talk to at school much.


Then get a dock and get an older brother, sister, or older friend to be a fake DJ and pic the songs and present that they're actual DJ's. Have some flashing lights and the kids just dance and have fun. (make sure you have a section for food and water, and make sure that the hall you hire has a toilet, or the kids are gonna get annoyed.
I know its weird that 13 year old already have these parties, but trust me, this happens, I've been to 6 of them this year and they are SOOOO fun!
Hope this helped:)

February 19, 20161 found this helpful

Let her have a hotel party.she needs to know you trust her but give her and her friends so rules like boys and girls sleep on opposite sides of the room :)

February 22, 20161 found this helpful

if you trust your daughter go for it but make sure you get seperate rooms or if your only getting one room make sure a trusted adult goes with them

March 9, 20161 found this helpful

im 13 so i can give you some tips from our point of view. Boys are part of our lives and growing up, but we woundn't do anything out of line.


If your still worred try putting the boys in a differnt room then the girls.

March 18, 20160 found this helpful

I think you should trust them with boys just when it comes sleeping at night, for them to have separate rooms

March 27, 20160 found this helpful

I would let her have boys to but at bedtime they would have ti go into a different room I know this answer is late but maybe for next bday

March 27, 20160 found this helpful

Let's her do something like swimming,movie,skating with boys and girls then send boys home then sleepover with the girls she has to know that you trust her

April 17, 20160 found this helpful

Let her do it but with some of her money . let her embrace that she is finally a teenager

April 18, 20160 found this helpful

sounds fun!!

April 20, 20160 found this helpful

Let her boys are amazing

April 23, 20160 found this helpful

Have the party before Christmas. Have all the guests come and do something like have dinner in the hotel or watch a movie in a nearby theater. Than she can have a few of her female friends stay in the hotel with her.

April 25, 20160 found this helpful

Allow her to have a hotel party if the price is right. But she would be so excited if that's what she's asking for and she gets it. But if she really wants some boys over, you might want some parental supervision, but don't get in the way of the party unless you see inappropriate things taking place. Trust me I'm a 13 year old.

May 8, 20160 found this helpful

you need to trust her, just because there will be boys does not mean that everyone will be well you know... At that age I had a group of half boys and half girls and we always had sleepovers

May 21, 20160 found this helpful

Let her have the boys she's a teenager just keep a close eye on them

May 23, 20160 found this helpful

I am 13 and I think she should have that party. Let her tell you who those boys are and make sure you approve. Have things activities that don't involve things that would keep u with worry. My birthday is on th 30 of May and that's what I plan on doing.

May 26, 20160 found this helpful

Boys to sleepover? UMM I don't think so!! Have a hotel party that has a pool, but by it before hand, tell her to make a list of 3 girls and don't tell her why . if she ask tell her you want to plan something.

May 26, 20161 found this helpful

Say yes and have chaperones, making sure the party does not get out of control. Inviting the opposite sex to a party is no big deal, having friends of a different gender doesn't matter.

June 14, 20160 found this helpful

you could invite boys for swimming and hanging out but not to spend the night

June 24, 20160 found this helpful

Let her do it! But make sure the boys are in a separate room. Make sure it's locked at bed time so that you have no dirty stuff going on. Hope this helped!

June 26, 20160 found this helpful

Personally I am 13 in 2 months and she is getting to that age where boys are a big thing and to be honest let her be herself just talk to her about the right and wrong things to do hope this helps

July 4, 20160 found this helpful

You must allow her to have the party of her dreams it also depends on the child's age kids are kids they don't see it being a problem having a few boys over

July 7, 20160 found this helpful


July 7, 20160 found this helpful

Let her invite her girlfriends and the 3 boys you have a good feeling about

July 8, 20160 found this helpful

You should not allow it because you don't know if they are going to do dangerous stuff.

July 21, 20160 found this helpful

You should let her bring boys she is only 13 once.

August 2, 20160 found this helpful

do you trust her beacause you are posting this and it is your daughter and know-one knows her so just follow your instincs

August 8, 20160 found this helpful

say that boys are aloud just remember your boundaries

August 9, 20160 found this helpful

You should leave her invite boys but only if you know them.

August 12, 20160 found this helpful

invite the boys but not to sleepover

August 17, 20160 found this helpful

Let her invite boys but invite lots of girls as well, stay close to her room as well

August 17, 20160 found this helpful

Let her invite boys but invite lots of girls as well, stay close to her room as well x

August 29, 20160 found this helpful

I think its fine to invite boys as she might become better friends with boys then girls. My sister became really good friends with this boy from her old school and now she is 18 and they have got together!! So its a good opportunity to let her make more friends that are any gender... xx

September 17, 20160 found this helpful

Let her invite boys she is getting older and there her friends just don't have the boys stay at the hotel.

September 30, 20160 found this helpful

I am 13 so I want to tell you that you should let your daughter have boys over! Ok, your daughter might just have a lot of guy friends, I'm not saying you shouldn't keep an eye out though.

September 30, 20160 found this helpful

I am 13 so I want to tell you that you should let your daughter have boys over! Ok, your daughter might just have a lot of guy friends, I'm not saying you shouldn't keep an eye out though.

October 2, 20160 found this helpful

Let her

October 3, 20160 found this helpful

I know this is a bit late, but for anyone with a daughter or son that wants to invite the opposite sex at the age of 13 is totally fine as long as the parents approve. Coming from a 13 year old girl you should have trust in your daughter or son because as they get older girls or boys will be with the opposite sex more. As long as the boys are in a separate room for sleeping at night than the girls I think you are totally fine. Just keep an eye on both of the rooms just incase (but don't do it so much that it will get annoying) . Considering your daughter is getting older and will only be 13 once you should let her have boys over. If your child knows that you can trust them, they will be more confident about the boys showing up! I actually went to a 13th birthday party for my friend and she had invited 3 boys! There were 9 girls and 3 boys and all the girls knew the boys and we're friends with them. So yes I think it is totally fine to let your daughter or son to invite the opposite sex! Let them be teenagers! (But don't let them get over the top about being teenagers)

October 21, 20160 found this helpful

you should let her give her trust and just supervise

October 22, 20160 found this helpful

My daughter wants to do something with boys and girls so I think the boys and girls should all go but then get the boys mum to pick them up and the girls sleep

October 23, 20160 found this helpful

Let her have hotel party u trust her she old enough

November 4, 20160 found this helpful

Let her do what makes her happy

November 9, 20160 found this helpful

Let her invite boys nothing bad will happen she's only 13

November 20, 20160 found this helpful

let her

December 16, 20160 found this helpful

Get 2 rooms on for the boys and one for the girls

December 22, 20160 found this helpful

Let her have the sleepover and invite boys. If you don't she would be really disappointed.

January 9, 20170 found this helpful

let her invite boys thats what i am doing

January 16, 20170 found this helpful

inviting boys isn't necessarily bad, she's 13 and she has guy friends, big deal.i just think it' stupid to tell your daughter that she can't invite guy friends to a sleepover, they are no different or less considerate than girl friends. you just have to trust her, probably nothing with happen.

February 2, 20170 found this helpful


April 11, 20170 found this helpful

Let her,
If she is good

April 21, 20170 found this helpful

just let her go nothing serious will happen

May 14, 20170 found this helpful

Well you should let her invite them but meet them in person, and talk to them or have her talk about them to you or do both. or just have her invite them but keep a close eye on them. You could also just tell her to invite 3 of them or 4, and see how that goes.

June 1, 20170 found this helpful

lt her do it she will only be 13 once

June 2, 20170 found this helpful

Let the boys come to the hotel party and just say no sleeping together in bed

June 4, 20170 found this helpful

Invite her friends even if they are boys. Friends are what makes a birthday fun, just make sure they are in separate beds, you are in the room with them, or book two rooms

August 19, 20170 found this helpful

I myslf believe that she should be aloud to invite boys as long as there is parental supervision i know that it is a hard desicion to let your little girl have a party with boys but i think that you shuld let her invite the boys.

September 24, 20170 found this helpful

I would say no and suggest going into town//city and go shopping cinema or something like that I done that for my 12th and I have no idea what Im gonna do for my 13th i might have a disco party with all my friends.

December 17, 20170 found this helpful

plenty of kids that my daughter knows has boys over and she was super jealous until i surprised her and plenty of people cane including boys!

January 1, 20180 found this helpful

Boys and girls could be invited either the boys couldnt sleep in another hotel room or go home afterwards

January 2, 20180 found this helpful

make sure she understands that the boys cannot sleep in the same room obviously maybe have a room for girls and a room for boys

January 3, 20180 found this helpful

Let her just make sure they don't spend the night and that you have that one really protective friend that won't let anything happen

January 5, 20180 found this helpful

you should let them come because then someone may not be able to interact with them and might be acused of sexist of genders and you dont want that

March 4, 20180 found this helpful

Let her have boys. I know from experience that all the other kids will be jealous of her cool mom, but not jealous in a bad way. Her friends will respect you much more, instead of being a exist person, saying only girls. She will thank you, just make sure that all the kids are nice and the girls wont leave out the boys or some stupid thing like that

July 16, 20181 found this helpful

My daughter had a hotel party for her thriteenth, and she invited a few boys. It went great. I would only let her closest friends come, not of girl. If you really think it's an issue of serpartion, give the boys a bed and the girls a bed. You could even rent a separate hotel room for the boys. Just let her invite only her closest male friends, ones you know well and can trust.


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