Have him help with the planning of the party. Being that it is his party, he should be able to come up with some ideas. My son and his friends, boys and girls, would get together and plan small parties. You would be surprised how many good ideas they can have. Just be available to supervise. We necessarily didn't hang out with the kids but were nearby to know what was going on and in case, our help was needed.
My son just turned 16, and had a "party" - inviting about 20 kids. I contacted a local family owned pizza place, and reserved a section for 2 hours. I bought free refill drinks for each child, 6 large pizzas, and had "fruit pizza" and ice cream. The owner let them play music, and it went over pretty well. Total cost - about $150.
Have a LAN Party. This website has some good ideas. (www.onepc.net) We had one at my daughter's 14th B'day party and it was a blast. Of course we are all BIG video game fans. Her friends brought their consoles, controllers and favorite games over and everyone had a great time. It was a sleepover so we got to stay up all night and play video games. He will have a great time!
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My birthday will be coming up shortly and my parents keep asking me what I wanna do, but I don't know. All of my birthdays so far have been really low key and I what something cool. Got any ideas?
I think a rock climbing party will be unique and fun.
Laaaaaser Tag!!! :D FUN
I have nephews and when they were younger one of their favorite parties was with their wii and their friends. They would play for hours and eat M&Ms and skittles.
If you like sports and have a major or minor league team in the area, the spring is a great time for a baseball game.
Wishing you birthday blessings!! Enjoy!!
I'm a guy turning 15 in June and I'm not sure what to do for my birthday. Any suggestions?
A softball game and BBQ outside would be great if the weather is good. Bowling and pizza inside if not.