I am able to turn on the heat, but it goes cold quickly. So I turn the dial to cold and back to heat then it warms up again briefly then goes cold again. Then later in the day I turned on the heat and it stayed on with no issues. Is it the contacts on the switch or something else?
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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts October 4, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer
Here are a few things you can check on your own.
- Check the blower motor operations.
- Listen to your motor and see if it changes speeds when you turn the knob.
- If the motor changes speeds then the motor and associated resisters are working fine.
- You could have a problem with recirculation door. This could be broken or blocking the air from coming in.
- Check the recirculation door by removing the blower and looking at the door. Use a mirror to physically look at the door.
- If this is your problem, then you will need to replace the part in your truck.

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts October 3, 20170 found this helpful
You might have a problem with the thermostat or one of the switches.

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts October 16, 20170 found this helpful
Here is a step by step link on how to fix your problem.www.ifixit.com/.../11629b Also check thermostat.
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