
4th Birthday Party Ideas?

July 10, 2010

Four year old blowing out birthday candles.I'm having a 4th birthday party for my daughter. When I ask her what type of party she wants, she says a candy party. What is that? So I told her we can have candy at the party and she says she wants the party to be all candy. Any ideas how I can incorporate candy throughout a party?


By Theresabentley


July 11, 20100 found this helpful

This might seem too obvious, but the kids can play Candyland. A pinata filled with candy would be fun. And you could serve plain (already frosted) cupcakes, and provide an assortment of small candies, so each child can decorate their own.

I'm thinking you could do some sort of other activity, too. I've seen necklaces made with wrapped candies. I feel like I saw it in a Martha Stewart magazine several years back (or, it could have been Family Fun magazine, but I'm pretty sure it was Martha). It was cute, and fun looking.

I'd suggest that, prior to the party, you find out if any of the guests have diabetes. Their parents are probably used to sugar at parties, but this sounds like it could be a lot more than normal. You could give them a heads-up, and also make plans for some sugar-free or reduced sugar options. I think that when they RSVP would be a good time to discuss this.


Sounds like it could be a fun, cute party. I hope you get some good ideas, best of luck!

July 11, 20100 found this helpful

You can make giant "candy" pieces by placing two styrofoam bowls rim to rim. Cover with the colored cling wrap leaving extra on either end to be tied with ribbons or a thin thread. It looks like giant pieces of hard candy with the twisted wrappers. These can be placed around as individual decorations or strung together as bowers or wreaths. After the party they can be taken apart and the wrap and bowls recycled.

If you are outside on a patio and have support poles, these could be wrapped with white and red for peppermint sticks.

Round tables, white disposable tablecloth with side draping taped under the table. Crisscross with red crepe paper to look like a starlight mint. If you have lots of round tables do each one in a different color. Starlights come in many flavors.:)


Giant rectangle table, cover with a bright colored table cloth then line the middle with the giant candies mentioned above.

I would suggest making it "look" more like candy than actually "having" lots of candy strewn around for small kids to pick up. Don't forget, at that small age even a Lifesaver can present a choking hazard. I loved the cupcake decorating idea but make sure it is crushed candies they are using.

At the end of the day you could send each kid home with a bag of candy. You can make these up ahead of time and have them marked by name so you make sure the SF ones go home with the right kids. Or you could even put the candy in the giant candy mentioned above - just tape the edges of the bowls shut. Have a certain color designated for the SF ones and every child gets one on the way home.


Sounds like you are going to have some creative fun.

July 11, 20100 found this helpful

Here is a web site that tells how to throw a Willy Wonka candy party. You might find a tip or 2 here that you can use.

July 13, 20100 found this helpful

If you google "birthday candy cake" or "candy cake" you should get many sites with photos to give you an idea what one looks like. Here are simple directions to make one. It makes a really nice centerpiece. And, of course, when the party is over, it can be dismantled and the candy can be eaten.


6 styrofoam circles - 2 in each ascending size: 8" 6" and 4"
1 candle topper or bobble head
1 bag of large individually wrapped jaw breakers
1 bag of individual gum
Approx 5 bags of candy (depends on size of candy)
Glue together each set of foam circles to make one thick circle in each size. Glue or pick pin each circle on top of each other. Make sure you get as close to middle as possible. Use low temp glue gun and start glueing the miniature candy bars all around. Use gum to hide any foam showing between each layer. Top it with an ice cream cone candle or any cake toppers they have at party store, bobble heads, etc. Finish with adding jaw breakers around the topper to make sure no foam shows. Make sure you use wrapped candies so kids can eat it and you can use any candy you want, this is just a point of reference.


Good luck and have fun.
Margaret from Denton, Texas


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 162 Posts
July 13, 20100 found this helpful

I know it seems Christmasy but you do the little graham cracker houses and let the guests decorate them with candy as a craft. You could use more seasonal candies so it doesn't end up looking like a gingerbread house. That would rock my 3 year-old's candy obsessed world. I've also seen (jello website?) a Jello fishbowl "cake" with jelly belly gravel, fruit leather plants, gummy worms/fish, and blue jello "water" in a fish bowl that could be awefully cute.

July 13, 20101 found this helpful

This is a very simple dessert, that my own children loved when they were small. It's called Frogs in a Pond, and that's what it is. Make a large glass bowl of green jelly, Jello, then insert chocolate frogs into the pond. Some on the surface, some half buried in the jelly.
You can add other things if you like, some colored choc beans shaped into flowers on the surface for waterlilies, or whatever takes your fancy as a frog pond theme.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

May 28, 2011

My daughter is having a party and her friends do not like what she likes. Please give us some ideas to liven up her day. Thank you.

By Jannet B. from Rugby, Warwickshire


May 28, 20110 found this helpful

Forget about having a theme party. My opinion is 4 years is awfully young to be having parties, other than with family members. My daughters each had two, one for their 10th birthday and one when they were 16. There was no theme to them. They played a few games(pin the tail on the donkey, etc.) for the 10th party and it was just the girls in her class from school. For the 16th party, it was boys and girls from the church youth group(about 8) and they played Christian type word games and board games and invited myself and younger daughter to join in. Both parties were in the basement family room and there was no special decorations or anything. Just buy some pretty pastel colored paper plates, napkins, and glasses, and have a few balloons for decoration and have games like pin the tail on the donkey. Kids parties are really getting to be outrageously expensive because of people thinking they need to have a theme.

May 29, 20110 found this helpful

I had the same problem. The best idea I came up with was having her party at McDonalds. I paid 30.00 for 10 kids. They reserve tables in the play area for the party. They set up the tables with treat bags, place mats, crowns, all different kinds of stuff. They serve a cake which is really good. And the price includes feeding the 10 kids from the Happy Meal menu. Adults have to pay for their own food but those kids had a wonderful time. It's usually a 2 hour event. And, I didn't have to clean up. You also have your own hostess to take care of everything. Best idea I came up with for her.
Hope this helps.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 270 Feedbacks
June 1, 20110 found this helpful

You don't say how old. If she is older than preschool, find different friends. Just plain fun things, outdoor stuff, chalk, bubbles, sand box, etc. Doggie and bone was the party goers to my kids' favorite. Also when I was a kid at parties! And a quiet game at that! Item under the chair of blindfolded person. All others have to take turns sneaking up to take it without being caught. It must be guessed who took it. Having only boys, this was a quiet game to settle kids down.

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Silver Post Medal for All Time! 449 Posts
September 7, 2016

My little kid is turning 4 in 3 months and I started thinking of what I could do to have a simple celebration with a small amount of money I have. Is it possible to make a party table with just $50 dollar budget?

Any ideas about how to achieve this? I might earn a little more in 3 months, but I have set aside $50 for a party table just to add color to my mini party.


Bronze Tip Medal for All Time! 64 Tips
September 9, 20162 found this helpful

Oh course you can! Make your own cake, easy with a mix. Color frosting to match "theme", ie red and blue if her has a spiderman interest. A few generic colored napkins and solid plates, etc. Serve an easy and inexpensive home-made punch-a mix of sherbet and 7 up is fun! A centerpiece of small toys an if you like a few ballo0ns from dollar store. If party-favors are a must put them in brown lunch bags with a colored sticker or clip art or small crafted pic that you could glue on. Toys from dollar store, craft supplies or candy or pencils work. this will make a charming "paty-table". Don't waste money of specific theme junl that will be thrown out. Dollar stores are your friend!

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December 5, 2007

I'm looking for ideas for my daughter's 4th birthday party. She has had Dora, Hello Kitty and Princess party already.

The party will be indoors and there will be both boys and girls. She likes ballet and dancing but with boys coming to the party I did not want to have an Angelina Ballerina party. Her birthday is in January, which means after Christmas. Money is limited so, I'm looking for affordable ideas.

Claudia from Houston, TX


December 7, 20070 found this helpful

Check out for interesting games. I suggest a winter-themed party with snowflakes and snowmen. You could do pin-the-nose-on-the-snowman game, and another fun game is to gather them in a circle and have each party guest put on mittens, then have a race to open up candy. At that age, too many guests can ruin the fun when things get rowdy and out of hand. A good rule of thumb is to limit the number of guests to the age of the party host, so in this case I wouldn't have more than 4 or 5 at the most. My daughter is now 10 and I'm speaking from experience!

By (Guest Post)
December 7, 20070 found this helpful

we did a fairy tale party for my 3 (now 5) year old. Boys got to be knights/dragons/ogres etc- girls could be fairies, princesses/magicians -whatever
Lots of fun- my sister dressed up as a fairy godmother, and we pretended my brother was an evil dragon and the kids whacked him with foam bats-quite entertaining for us adults:)

By Teena (Guest Post)
December 7, 20070 found this helpful

I would say a good idea is to have a "circus" party. That way, there COULD be ballerinas, but also clowns, a Ringmaster, Tightrope walkers, etc...

You could use a hula hoop and lay it down for the "ring"...and then give each child something to wear/do according to who they were in the circus. Maybe the ballerina gets to wear a tutu and a crown. Maybe the clown gets to wear those funny eyeglasses with the funny nose that are plastic... Maybe the tightrope walkers get to carry something on a paper plate across a ribbon placed on the floor to be the "rope"...

Just some thoughts... You could use balloons and streamers to decorate with, and serve cupcakes...

Sounds like fun to ME...LOL!!!

Check the party section of your local discount department store, or a party goods store, or even a Dollar Tree if you have one nearby.

Hope that helps!


By Jennifer willett (Guest Post)
February 25, 20080 found this helpful

I am highly intrigued and enlightened by your idea for a fairy / knight dragon slayer party theme. It fits my twins to a 'tee' however I hope you will respond to me concerning approximately how much it was financially to throw a fun, busy and enjoyable activities and games to play. Especially any suggestions for the decor and favors used to help in transforming the scene into a masquerade ball and real like costumes. Please contact me at arischengottin1488 AT or call me at 480-926-1302 asap my kids b-day is 3-7-08. thanks Jennifer w

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October 20, 2010

My daughter is turning 4 and wants a bicycle themed birthday party. I am getting her a bike as her gift and we are making bicycle cupcakes. Other than that I have no idea what to do for her party! There will be less than 10 kids, maybe less than 5. They will be between the ages of 1-4. Any ideas on how to make this a bicycle party for her?

By kristin from Dallas, TX


October 20, 20100 found this helpful

Just get some posters with bikes on them and hang them up. Buy a bike pinata if you want.

October 21, 20100 found this helpful

Fortunately, those pictures are exactly what I was looking for! Absolutely perfect! I can definitely build off of that! Thank you so much!

March 10, 20160 found this helpful

You already have it figured out!!!

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March 31, 2008

My daughter is turning 4 this Saturday and she wants to have a pajama party. I don't have any clue of what to do and how to decorate our place for this. Plus I want something not to expensive since I'm on a budget. I hope you guys can give me some ideas and help me out with it since its a short notice.



By jojo (Guest Post)
April 1, 20080 found this helpful

Here's a link with some suggestions:

Kids could bring a blanket if they don't own a sleeping bag.

If you have (or can borrow) a star shaped cookie cutter you could cut out sandwiches in that shape.
You could maybe serve warm drinking chocolate with marsh mallows as a 'bedtime' beverage, even if it's a pretend slumber party.

By Linn (Guest Post)
April 1, 20080 found this helpful

The Dollar Store usually has glow in the dark stars that you could put up in the room where they will be sleeping. Maybe have a camping trip theme, make tents out of sheets and kitchen chairs. Have a cooler full of juice box drinks have hot dogs, samores, chips etc. Give them each a flash light and show them how to make shadow puppets. A good movie to hold their interest is a good idea.

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April 3, 2016

I am looking for birthday ideas for my 4yr old boy. It's his golden birthday and I want to ensure it's memorable.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
April 4, 20160 found this helpful

Ask your 4 year old what he would like for a theme. I'd give him a choice of a couple of things -- like his favorite TV cartoon characters, or dinosaurs, or puppies, etc. Bear in mind that it is far more important that he have a good time as a 4 year old is NOT going to remember a whole lot about this birthday except from the pictures you take. It's a birthday party, not a wedding.

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