I have a spare room that is painted a very pale grey with a bright orange bed settee. I have carpet tiles that are mainly grey with a darker grey border and a bright orange tile in the middle. There is a white blind at the window. This is a dark room. What colour curtains/pictures/accessories should I use to brighten it and give it the wow factor. This room will be used as a 2nd TV room/guest bedroom.
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Orange, green, and yellow together in a print would be lovely, and complement the gray you already have.
White and navy blue go well with orange and grey. Why not check out a local fabric shop and pick up a few samples (a yard of each) from the bargain aisle? Leave them (whichever colours you choose) on the bed for a few days and stick your head in the door every once in a while to assess how you like the combination(s).
White walls opposite the window will lighten up the whole room. White curtains offset from the glass itself to allow as much light to enter into the room.
I would go for curtains in a white/chocolate print, and cushions in solid colours of dark leaf green and chocolate. Pictures of trees, especially autumn ones, would keep the restful theme of light grey walls, and echo the curtains.
I would try to match the curtains to the wall and use throw pillows and throws or other decor in the color blue that is directly across the color wheel from the orange that is in the room.
You could find some plain wood frames and paint them orange, white or dark grey. For the pictures in the frames find some black and white photos and pick out parts of the picture to give a wash of orange watercolour paint. Or you could do the same with colouring pages such as this one
Beige, tan, or dark shades of grey would look great, together!
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