Last night I had a menacing toothache that would not cease. These are all the remedies that I used and the one that finally did the trick at 9:45 this morning!
- Clove oil: dabbed a Q-tip in it and spread it in the affected area to no avail.
- Cinnamon (organic extract oil) and warm water mouthwash: no avail.
- Himalayan pink sea salt with organic garlic, organic lemon juice, and warm water: no avail.
- Crushed fresh garlic clove: chewed it on the side of the mouth with the non-offending teeth then moved it to the hurting side to let the juice penetrate: no avail.
- Dunked a cotton ball in organic apple cider vinegar to no avail (twice, 10 minutes apart).
- Cotton ball doused in organic vanilla extract: intensified the pain.
- Rinsed with 3% hydrogen peroxide: no relief.
- 3 Extra strength Excedrin: no relief, not even a smidgen.
- 1 512 Oxycodone: absolutely no respite from the pain.
- Reiki: off and on for an hour: nothing.
- Vicks VapoRub and Absorbine Veterinary Liniment Gel (a topical analgesic that my father uses for his severe arthritis. I was desperate!): I rubbed both onto the exterior cheek where the pain was and the jaw and top of the neck. Finally, I got a little relief, but it was minor and temporary.
- I prayed.
- I laid down to try to get some rest and decided to "go into the pain" and just feel it all out without resisting as a tactic for maybe breaking through to the other side. All I felt was the pain. And then soon after anger. Pain makes you feel a whole range of emotions. By this point, I was pissed off.
- I swished vodka in my mouth and let it rest for as long as I could in the hurt area and finally felt it numbing and the pain decreased. I could finally, after a 10-hour wrestling match with pain and torment, felt some alleviation.
- At 7:30 in the morning, exhausted, defeated, and now with a pain that seemed to taunt me, I dragged myself to my mother's house crying and begging for help. She got me a couple of Aleve, I popped them in and went back to bed in a haze. I woke up four hours later with just remnants of soreness and the memory of the horrible night I had. But inexplicably excited that the pain was gone.
The pain was removed with 2 simple Aleve tablets (naproxen). I still feel intermittent jabs of discomfort but have an 8 AM appointment with a local dentist. I know I'll need major work done and I can no longer avoid this dance with destiny. I have a couple of battered teeth and surely an infection.
My advice is to try the remedies I listed above and see which works for you. So many people swear by the vanilla extract as well as the garlic. For me, the only saving grace was an over the counter pharmaceutical but it was pure heaven and almost instantaneous. Most importantly, take good care of your dental hygiene. It affects all your organs and, if you are lazy about it, you will suffer needlessly.

Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 679 Feedbacks February 27, 20141 found this helpful
I've had luck with ibuprofen as a pain reliever. Years ago, I used to get a severe headache about once a year, that seemed to begin with tension in the upper part of my neck. I tried regular aspirin, buffered aspirin, Tylenol, and Excedrin, and none of them worked. I'd end up lying down and sleeping it off. When ibuprofen came out as an over the counter medicine, we got a bottle and found that it helped a great deal when aspirin didn't. The next time I got one of those headaches, I took 2 ibuprofen, and within half an hour, the headache was gone! I was so happy that I didn't have to waste most of a day sleeping, waiting for the headache to go away!
I haven't had any of those headaches for about 20 years, now, but the ibuprofen has helped with other aches and pains over the years.
Of course, I agree that a toothache has to be treated as soon as possible by a dentist, and that the health of your teeth and gums affects your health in many other areas. In a pinch, though, before you can get to the dentist, it's great to have this list of pain remedies for a toothache, so thanks for posting all the things you tried.

September 12, 20172 found this helpful
Just wanted to confirm that 2 tabs Aleve also helped reduce tooth pain in my situation, except instead of buying expensive "Aleve" brand I purchased a cheaper "Rite Aid" brand alternative called "Naproxen Sodium" 220mg tablets which have same ingredients as Aleve (for almost half the price), I did try "Ibuprofen" before but that didn't help.

December 8, 20180 found this helpful
Aleve did give me relief enough to give me 4 or 5 hrs. of sleep. But I woke up in pain. Then I remembered mom always used warm salt water on any kind of mouth pain and let it set a minute before gargling. I didn't have regular salt so I used the Himalayian salt and that did the trick.
My throat was sore too so it helped that as well. Thus using the Aleve AND warm salt water has done the trick. The latter requires 1/2 teaspoon salt to 8 oz. water.