Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts October 6, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer
How to care for Ladybugs, AKA Ladybird Beetles during the winter months indoors.
- Make a place for them to live. Use a box or glass terrarium with shredded newspaper on the bottom. Add a few pieces of folded cardboard for the bugs to crawl on.
- Add some small limbs and foliage in the terrarium for them.
- Use either dampened paper towels or a clean damp sponge in the terrerium tp provide a water source for them.
- The perferred diet is Aphids. You can sometimes find these commercially sold. If not you will need to find a source to feed them. Maybe in your garden or neighbor's garden they have leaves and plants with Aphids on them.
- You can also mix equal parts of honey, sugar, water and yeast together to make a paste. Put this on sticks and place in the enclosure.
- You can also try to dampen raisins and put them in the bottom of the enclosure. They will sometimes eat sweets like raisins.

October 6, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer
Lady Bugs (lady beetle or ladybird beetle) have almost as much interest shown as the honey bees. Many people believe having lady bugs around brings good luck.
- Here are some interesting "facts" about your ladybird beetles.
- The spotted red 'ladybug' we all know so well (more correctly called the lady beetle or ladybird beetle, as these insects are true beetles and not bugs) does dine on the occasional aphid and other soft-bodied pest, but like many insects, it doesn't really eat all that much in its adult form.
- It's the ladybug's larvae that are voracious predators of soft-bodied problem insects, especially aphids. Gardeners plagued by those sap-sucking perfidious pests (i.e. rose growers) should become acquainted with the appearance of this beneficial ladybug baby; otherwise, they might try and kill the spiny, scary-looking, alligator/dragon-like things.
- There is a lot of different opinions about what to do with lady bugs in your house but most seem to agree that they need to hibernate in the winter.
- They also need a damp, cool place to stay (some people keep them in the refrigerator for 2-3 months).
- They do not need a large place to live as some small groups are even kept in a large matchbox (with holes) over winter.
- I have collected some sites that have excellent information that you may enjoy reading.
- veganfeminist.blogspot.com/.../ladybugs-in-house-in-winter.html
- This site also has a place to ask questions or send photos.
- askdruniverse.wsu.edu/.../
Here is a link that has some interesting information. I purchased lady bugs from this company several years ago when my roses were under attack.

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts October 6, 20170 found this helpful
What lady bird beetles eat.
Step 1
They eat aphids which are not nice bugs for plants.
Step 2
Set up a habitat for them a twig and some leaves.
Step 3
Some feed on plants and mildew.
Step 4
Feed them honey twice a day.
Step 5
Soak cotton ball in water they will drink from it.