Are there any other uses for spray deodorant?
By Karen
I used to spray used dryer sheets with it in the wintertime and stash them into plastic baggies right away. Then when it was really dry and cold out, or really everyday; I'd put the baggies in my purse and work bag. Whenever I had to brush my hair, which happens to be fine but I have a lot of it; it would be so staticky (sic) from our awful weather that once I brushed through it, it would be everywhere! Hairspray would just leave it heavier and still flyaway. So that was no good. Most frizz and flyaway products are made for thicker hair.
I remember checking on here a long time ago; and have used the same trick since. (If you have allergies like I do to spray aerosols, or any kind of spray scent you can always use unscented Mitchum spray deo that does work well for unisex & the percentage is high as well for the dryness & stinkiness meter, not too mention lighter on your wallet). Good luck!
If its antiperspirant you can spray you clean feet to cut down on sweating which will help keep your feet warm.