My new amaryllis is producing a few leaves, but no stalk or bloom. I've watered it per directions for two months or more. I started in early December. I have it in a window to give it some light, and water it just when it needs more. I have it in the soil and container provided.
I live in Florida and grow Amaryllis indoors as well as outdoors.
We are having unusual summer weather but my Amaryllis only have nice green leaves but no blooms yet.
I believe the outdoors may start in March but my indoors have already bloomed but may bloom again.
Be sure you are only keeping the soil moist and not wet and that your bulb is at least 1/3 above soil. Not sure what your instructions say.
Be patient and it will probably bloom very soon. Can you give it any warm outdoor sun?
Be sure to read up on care even if you have instructions.
Here is a link from UF agriculture web site:
Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.
Why don't my Amaryllis flower? They only make leaves. They flowered last season.
By Annatjie
The secret to getting amaryllis bulbs to rebloom year after year lies largely in summer care after flowering. Remove the faded flowers and stalks as soon as they are finished blooming, but do not cut off the leaves. Set the pot on a sunny windowsill and water as needed. When warm weather arrives and all danger of frost is passed, set the bulb, container, and all in the flower garden. Choose a location that is somewhat protected and receives morning light. You can set the pot in the ground so that the rim is at ground level.
During the summer, continue to water the plant as needed and feed it every two weeks with a soluble houseplant fertilizer. Gradually withhold water before freezing weather in the fall. When the foliage has died down, trim it off and take the pot to a cool, dark basement (40 to 50 degrees F if possible) and place it on its side. The bulb needs to sit and rest for six weeks before you try to rebloom. Because it takes approximately six weeks from planting to bloom time, you can decide when you want the bloom to occur and then count backward to determine the planting time. During the rest period, do not water the plant. As the leaves dry, cut them off.
For additional details refer to: Reblooming Amaryllis.good luck.
I've had my amaryllis planted outside for years. They grow well and multiply, but I've never had a flower on any of them. I live in central Florida and the plants are in full sun and well drained soil. How can I get them to bloom without digging up each bulb.
Maybe they are too close to each other
Amaryllis have to go through the seasons(doorment) then fed with fertilizer,water,and placed in a very sunny place.
I brought an Amaryllis last Christmas. Last year it didn't bloomed, it just grew long leaves. I let it go dormant and grew it again this Christmas. Again there are no blooms, only leaves.
I even fertilized it. This is the first one I have had in 12 years that did not bloom. I have brought one every year and had them bloom.According to this article, you need a period to let the plant dry out.
I am having the same issue. I think there are just bad batches out there. I have had others for years that always bloomed and I never fertilized. If you got it at a big box store like I did, I think they don't take care of them in transit and that ruins the bulb.
My amaryllis have been outside in a large planter for many, many years. During all of those years they have bloomed red each year at or near the beginning of spring. I am in So. California. This year there was not a single bloom on all of the 14 bulbs in that planter.
Is this normal after so many years? The leaves are full, green and healthy. They get watered when it rains, which is not often here, and maybe once every two weeks or so. They are definitely not over watered.It may be overcrowded. It may be time to divide it up.
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I grew an amaryllis indoors, but it did not bloom. I followed the vague directions, but only the green leaves sprouted. The leaves are large and still growing.