
Appealing a Denial of Social Security Survivor Benefits?

I had my son when I was 17 and his dad passed away 3 months after he was born (he had just turned 20). I went to the SS office in town to get benefits for my son and they said they could do nothing because he didn't work long enough for my son to get benefits.


His dad had worked for Legoland for a few months and then quit to go back to school. He was only 20 so I can see why he didn't work long enough. My son is now 3. I work full time plus take online classes I was just wondering if there was anything that I could do; if it's even worth appealing.

By Rosemary

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April 10, 20140 found this helpful

In order for a person to receive Social Security and/or SS Disability they do have to work a certain number years. I think it is called quarters. You are going to have to call your local SS Office and set up an appointment to talk to them in order to see if you can find out more information.


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