
Asking a Guy to Prom

April 22, 2008

A girl with her prom date.I work at a movie theatre and we were allowed to dress up for the movie Prom Night. I brought my boyfriend to see the movie in the biggest theatre on the busiest night. I asked one of the managers to make a little 'announcement' before the movie started, having her ask my boyfriend to stand up in front of everyone and asked him to prom for me while everyone was watching! It's a cute/embarrassing idea and you don't have to work there to get them to do it!


Source: Rave Motion Pictures managers and me!


7 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 29, 2011

Okay, I've never been to a dance before, never really cared for them, but I really want to go to my senior prom. There's this guy who is just a friend and he's kind of shy, but we're good friends. Should I ask him? How? Please keep in mind I'm not the prettiest girl in the world.

By Confused from Tulare, CA


January 30, 20110 found this helpful

No! Definitely not! You would be setting yourself up for humiliation. Discuss the situation with your friend. Keep in mind, a prom is not just fun or a privilege, it is also an expense in time and money. Ask him what is expected of a guy and judging by his enthusiasm, or lack thereof, get closer to the question. Keep the option to retreat with honor open for both of you!


Have FUN!

January 30, 20110 found this helpful

Oh please, DearWebby, what kind of advice is that? I asked one of my best friends to the prom, and he went with me. He's your friend, he'll probably be relieved that he gets to go to the prom, not have to ask, and be with a friend. If someone says no it's not a humiliation. If he says no in a nice way, you'll be fine. If he says no in a nasty way, he's not much of a friend, and that's important to know, too. P.S. I'm sure you're much prettier than you think you are, too. :)

January 31, 20110 found this helpful

I have to agree with Vaylmer 100%. If he is indeed a friend, just talk with him in private (not in front of other friends.) If he is interested, and if you agree to go as "just friends", simply split the costs (dinner and dance tickets, not clothing options) 50/50. If he is not interested, you will "get it" pretty darn quick and can just sweetly say "Oh, well, it was just an idea."


If he is a true friend, whether you decided to go to the dance together or not, it will be no big deal. If he gets uppity or defensive about it, he's either a) terribly insecure or b) not as good of a friend as you thought. Don't try to second guess his response before you hear his response and take his response at face value and leave it at that.

I understand how easy it is to think yourself "not pretty enough" to get a prom date (those teenage and 20 something years can be brutal as us females beat ourselves up about physical imperfections) but we do get wiser with age! :-) Your question tells me that you are indeed a lovely girl that just wants to have a fun evening with a friend. Never undervalue friendship, "Miss Confused", because it's your most sane and beautiful asset!


Now go ask that guy to take a long walk, get away from the crowds, and go with your gut concerning his comfort level. A high school prom can be a lot of fun, but you have decades of fantastic and less scripted times ahead of you should it not work out! I wish you confidence and clarity!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 450 Feedbacks
January 31, 20110 found this helpful

Ask him. If he says no ask someone else. Boys have to go through this all the time. Many a person has sat home because they wouldn't ask someone. Ask.

January 31, 20110 found this helpful

I'd try to have a private conversation and start with something like, "I can't believe it's our senior year and we're getting so close to graduation, the prom, all that stuff." Wait for a comment. If you get none, ask, "Do you think you'll go to the prom?" By this time, he'll be getting your drift, realizing what you're up to, but it's not like just bursting out, Hey!


Will you go to the prom with me?" You've sort of warned him so he can get his head together. NOW you can ask. I like the idea of pointing out that you'd be just "going as friends" so he knows he's not expected to be a great romantic. I liked the idea from someone else about splitting expenses. Good luck! --shoe


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
January 31, 20110 found this helpful

Just ask, Sweetie! If he's a true friend and hasn't already made plans he'll be happy and relieved to go with you! If not you honestly would probably have more fun going by yourself, and you won't be the only one going to the prom by yourself, to enjoy the event! I asked a guy friend of mine to our senior prom and we had a really nice time but had he said no I would have been perfectly happy time to go alone and just hang out and enjoy the event and that was way back in 1972 when girls were not supposed to even ask any guy out!


Also, have you ever heard the saying, "Beauty is only skin deep"? It means that physical beauty is superficial and if you don't have beauty on the inside then the outside appearance is deceiving. Have confidence in you and don't judge yourself so harshly and timidly! Have a wonderful time!

I don't understand DearWebbys advice either! What humiliation could their possibly be in asking someone who is a friend and deciding it wouldn't be a comfortable option for either of you?

February 2, 20110 found this helpful

Give him a card with the invite in it, this way he will have time to decide, and you won't be standing in front of him waiting for an answer. My son went with a girl that was just a friend.

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March 9, 2015

What do you say after, you ask a guy to prom and he says yes?

By Rachael


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
December 3, 20170 found this helpful

Say "cool" or "good". Ask if he has a tux or will rent one so you can decide your colors.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
December 3, 20170 found this helpful

I'd be excited and start making plans. You should decide on what you want to wear and the colors you want. I think it is great he said yes and it is a good time to tell him you are happy he accepted your invitation.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
December 4, 20170 found this helpful

Say, "Thank you!"

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May 12, 2012

What is a creative way to ask a guy to a dance? He is much older than me, but I know he will say yes.

By Michele from Baton Rouge, LA


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
May 12, 20120 found this helpful

Just ask him. Guys don't care for cutesy ways of doing things or something being hinted at. They prefer a gal to be straight forward and tell them what they want or ask them what they want.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
May 14, 20120 found this helpful

Ditto with Suntydt but you can simply ask if he would mind taking a younger lady to the dance if you want to make yourself feel good about being creative ;-)

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November 22, 2013

My boyfriend goes to a different school than I do and I want to ask him in a cute way to prom. Does anyone have any ideas that I can use to ask him? Or if there is a way that a guy would liked to be asked to prom. Thanks.

By marylinn.monroee


November 24, 20130 found this helpful

Ask him if he has clothes to go to a prom, then if he is free on that evening. That keeps it low-stress and lets him be helpful.

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June 2, 2011

So I'm kind of a chubby girl and there is this guy at my school on the football team that I wanna ask to prom next year. You see, I'm kind of an outcast and I've liked him ever since 7th grade. How would I go about asking him to the prom?

By Kayla R


June 2, 20110 found this helpful

Does he show any interest in you? I would say if you are going to be a junior or senior next year and you have liked him since 7th grade and he hasn't shown any interest in you, I would suggest you set your sights else where. There is a good possibility that he has a girlfriend or will have by next year. I wouldn't even worry about the prom until next January. If by next year he doesn't show any interest in you at all, I would ask a guy that is just a friend to be your date, so that you have an escort for the event. Otherwise my theory is when a person wants to ask somebody something, just go ahead and ask, forget about doing something fancy.

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

January 29, 2011

Prom is coming up for my school. It is in April, because I go to a private school. I was thinking about asking this guy I know to Prom. We have chapel and when we sing the songs there is a slide show showing us the words. I was thinking about having a slide at the end saying "Will you go to Prom with me?" and there would be a picture of us on there. It would be in front of the whole high school. Tell me what you think.

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