Enjoy and have a happy meal!
Prep Time: 45 minutes or less
Cook Time: Frying 1-2 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes
Yield: 20-30 rolls
Source: My mom
- 1 whole banana blossom
- 1 onion
- 4 cloves garlic
- salt
- pepper
- 1 pack lumpia wrappers

- Slice the banana blossom into 4 equal sizes then boil for about 15-20 minutes or until it's tender and easy to slice.

- While the banana blossom is being boiled, peel the onion and garlic cloves then grate it. I used cheese grater because it's the one that first caught my eyes.*

- Cool the banana blossom after boiling it. Remove the pistil and outer most petals. Then slice according to your desired size.
- After slicing it, add salt then squeeze well. Put the banana blossom in a strainer or colander. Place under running water then squeeze and drain. This should be done to avoid stomach problems.
- After it's drained well, mix it with the grated onion and garlic. Add pepper then mix well.
- Then heat the pan and cook it for 5 minutes. Add salt and more pepper for taste.
- Wrap it using the lumpia wrapper then fry.
*Chewing gum while grating the onion is a must to avoid unnecessary drama.