What can be done with leftover class reunion money in a bank account when everyone is deceased?
Do you or someone still living have legal authority to dispose/remove this money?
Are there bylaws available to explain what happens to leftover monies?
Have you thought about discussing this with the school officials?
They may have suggestions.
Are you talking about a small sum?
If so, and you can legally remove the money (or write a check), then it would be nice to donate it to some organization that this class was interested in. If no information is available, then I would suggest picking a local charity that needs the funds.
This could be your local Humane Society, Hospice (a very good cause - help is free to everyone), or any of the other local charities that you like.
If this is a large fund (hundreds of dollars) then I would suggest seeking legal advice. Ask AARP for help.
There are a lot of needy families w/ children & you could donate the $ to a charity like 'Angel Tree' to help buy Christmas gifts for children.