I have a rather large cat called Mr. Smith. He completely refuses to get into anything smaller to travel in, so we have a small dog cage. He has grandiose ideas!
The plastic insert for the floor was very slippy and moved inside the cage so I poked holes into the corners with a screwdriver and used cable/zip ties to secure it safely in place. But he couldn't get a purchase on the flooring making him feel unsafe. So I just thought to use a rubber bath mat and that did the job perfectly.
I wet the underside so the little non-slip sucker pads could stick to the floor. Now Smith feels safer when he's moved. They are very cheap and wipe clean.
We tested this on a recent trip to the vet's. And he'll be in there again for a seven hour journey to our new home in November! It will mean a much less fraught journey for him making both of us much happier.
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The bath mat is a great idea even for a dog. Any accidents in the cage can be cleaned up easier by just hosing down the mat.
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